Where are your car keys?

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Hmmm....I just toss my keys up on the dashboard when I go diving...of course, I nearly always dive at the local quarry, and it's not like there's anything expensive in my car. All the expensive stuff is with me underwater! :D

The rare times that I've dove elsewhere, I just left the doors unlocked, hid the car key in a "creative" hiding place inside the car, and prayed that no one would mess with it while I was gone. I really, really need to invest in some kind of metal box I can lock to the car frame or something...
I Lock mine in the truck and just use my key less entry of course..... I know....Well La Tee Daa to me right? LOL

Right up till the car battery dies!
In the past I thought about leaving the windows down, wrapping a 100.00 dollar bill around the key with a note saying - take one, take all, then come back diving being hopefull.

I'm about to weld a hitch receiver to my dive trailer, then buy me a slide in combination key tray so I can safely store a key.

Kenny. That "hitch vault lock" is freaking expensive for what it is. that and you can't haul your trailer unless you get one of those adapters or weld on a 2" receiver on your trailer.

just get that Masterlock I posted above. You can pick it up for $25 bucks and attach it anywhere on your truck or your trailer.

Hmmm....I just toss my keys up on the dashboard when I go diving...of course, I nearly always dive at the local quarry, and it's not like there's anything expensive in my car. All the expensive stuff is with me underwater! :D

The rare times that I've dove elsewhere, I just left the doors unlocked, hid the car key in a "creative" hiding place inside the car, and prayed that no one would mess with it while I was gone. I really, really need to invest in some kind of metal box I can lock to the car frame or something...

heh... since I know you drive a convertible and most of us carry dive knives, locking your car at a dive site would be easily overcome to get keys on the dash.

seriously, I've never had a problem with anyone messing with my car at a quarry though.
Well, I have twice dived with... and lost... my car keys. The first time it was the keys to my GF's truck. I went back to find them the next day, and someone had already done so and placed them on a post where I found them.

The second time it was my business vehicle and the keys were attached to the electronic door lock/opener. I went back the next day and looked and looked. Towards the end of that dive I remembered feeling something hit my leg the day before and returned to that spot beneath a kelp plant. I looked and looked, then happened to turn my head sideways while near the bottom... and there they were under a very small rock "ledge." Whew!

Now I just leave them in the ignition... no one is going to steal the "Dr. Bill Mobile!" At least no one in their right mind!
what about those water tight cases? you know the ones in CC size. Could they take the pressure of a deep dive?

And where do you put the case then? I think the issue is not so much to keep the key dry, but find a way to stow it underwater.
I put my truck key, my fishing license and my lobster permit and a used 20 in a small dry box. The box goes in a spare trim weight pocket on the top tank band. Works great. The box never leaves my shorts pocket until it goes in the trim pocket. That is, it is never in the truck unless I am in the truck. I use the dry box in the kayak also. Which is why the used 20. I paddle in the Keys and over on the west coast and every once in a while I stop somewhere that has a cold beer.

I've had it down to 90 ft, and the box is still good. I know it isn't rated for that deep, but I keep hoping Murphy is looking the other way.
So far I always going diving with my wife and she doesn't dive (for numerous reasons outside her control). So she stays on shore or takes the car for a dive.

I just bought a new car with a keyless entry system (you carry a fob and you can open the door by pushing a button). If I had to go diving without someone staying behind, I couldn't leave the key on the car. If the key is near the car, anyone can open the car even if they don't find the key. I'd have to hide the key away from the car (in a tree, under a garbage can or something).

More likely, I'd put the key in a waterproof bag or pelican case and stick the thing in a BCD pocket.
Under a rock

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