Just our experience as commercial spearo's in Florida targeting lionfish.....Like all fishing, those dive sites that are less or rarely visited contain the highest number of lionfish. But we also notice 2 other factors.
When we get a sudden, but expected 5 degree change in water bottom temps, they will move up from the deeper reefs. Those that move up are usually good sized at 14 - 17 inches and they show up quick. The 2nd factor is when we get a few days of ripping 3-4 knot currents in the 90 to 110ft reefs. The lions seem to struggle to stay in one spot and can't hold position since they have to move to eat. When it is a healthy current (1.5 to 2.5knts) look on the backside of barrel sponges, they love to grab on to them. Also snorkel the marina, we regularly find them in brackish waters.
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