They were everywhere in Roatan. Everywhere. So many that several of us who had never hunted before took several each. The DM's were as excited as we were with each harvest, and laughed at us through their regs when we missed. I missed the Moby Dick of Lionfish under a reef ledge. Not only was he big.....he was fast. We saw dozens on every dive and one of the DM's was always hunting.
While I love the Coconut Crusted LF and ceviche at La Perlita, the amount of aquatic life on the reefs in Cozumel is vastly greater than what we saw in Roatan. The reefs appeared to be in better shape with more fragile types of coral in Roatan. That must be the trade. Lots of hunters bouncing off the reefs means fewer LF, better fish populations, but an less of a reef.
I would not be surprised if someone has died from a lionfish sting. The problem with Anaphalaxis and lionfish is that I'm sure very few people would know that they're would be allergic to lionfish venom. What you don't know can kill you. I doubt many diveboats carry an epipen either. Allergic reactions can happen fast. Remote location, unknown allergy, compounded by the diver could be having trouble by the time they surfaced....all add up to an easily fatal event.
Either way, I look forward to looking for the little boogers next Monday! see you then, Dave! Hopefully a birthday dive on the 18th to Barracuda and a Bohemia Obscura at The Thirsty Cougar when we get back. One of the few reasons to look forward to being one year older!
Safe travels,