Honestly the bang for the buck with the Dive Rite XT1/XT2 is awesome. They are a great reg. I prefer to keep all my regs the same and I am up to 10 or so of each now for doubles, single tanks, bailout, and stages. I have breathed on them at over 400’ and I’m still here to talk about.
It’s nice to be on a trip or if something happens to have the same service kits for everything and to be able to scavenge parts of necessary.
That's impressive. I'm pretty sure 400' is the deepest report I've seen regarding DR's - how would you review them in those conditions? I won't be hitting those depths anytime soon, if ever, but I've found it difficult to find reports of folks using them in really extreme environments. I figure that's either because it's just so common nobody even talks about it, or it's because it rarely happens for whatever reason hah.
Standardizing service parts/tools is definitely something I'm weighing heavily, and a large driver for this thread. Logistically, it makes sense to just keep the same thing on everything. I'm just afraid of winding up with ten of the same reg before I discover some Shangri-La solution that I should have been loyal to all along.
Just buy another Dive Rite and be done with it. Or swap your single tank reg to doubles and not buy anything. Unless you are going back and forth all the time it isn't that big of a deal... 5 minutes of work maybe..
think this was my logic behind what I bought. Leave the right post reg set up for the doubles all the time. Switching the left post reg between singles and doubles is then just adding or removing the long hose, which I can leave rigged to the "spare" XT2. Whatever the logic was, it was the product of a younger me, on a much younger person's income.
I try to keep them somewhat consistent for convenience at service time. I am heavily invested into Poseidon and Scubapro, but have some onesie twosies of others.
Do you strive to keep your services aligned? Set aside a weekend to service a bunch of regs all at once, or do you just service them one or two at a time as they come up? Like I mentioned above, simplifying things seems smart. But if I'm servicing on two year intervals, I also don't think having alternating Poseidon/Dive Rite service years would really muddy things up that much.
In your case, I'd either commit that spare set to deco, and then get a backgas set of whatever you choose that you think may be better or just different, and go from there.
And that begins an entirely new debate:
what regs do I buy next?
There are so many I want to try! More seriously though, I have no complaints at all about the DR's, so it would take a relatively compelling reason to get me to switch right now. I'd love to try some Poseidons, but there's no way I'm going to shell out $800+ just to try them and see. Maybe I'm ignorant, but I don't imagine D6's, or even Mk25/G250's are going to perform
that much better to make up for the cost difference and the "now I need different parts/tools" factor.
If you still have those Salvo regs though, just because Salvo is gone, doesn't mean the parts for those regs are gone...
I don't have them around anymore. They were well past due for service and I wanted to dive, so I offloaded them to finance the Dive Rites. I started out hunting for parts to service the Salvos and keep them alive, but a deal popped up that made switching to the Dive Rites easy and cheap, so I abandoned the parts search and switched flavors.