What's the price of air?

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Free air for those who bought tanks from him, $10 otherwise. My Nitrox fills are $10 at the lake where I get them filled normally.

Another LDS charges $5 for air that's O2 compatible, I think they call it modifed Grade E. Size of tank does not matter.
$5 (with tax) for an air fill, $15 for an overpriced partial-pressure nitrox fill.

(I've got my nitrox permission slip -- er, card -- but at my LDS' prices, I don't bother maintaining any O2 clean tanks.)
Another thread got me to thinking about this one. I live near a town of about 100,000 and there is only one "real" LDS. However, there are two other instructor services in town. Those "shops", though, don't have their own compressors. That means that their students have to go to the LDS for air fills. Well, that kinda grated against the LDS owner, so he's kinda firing back with slightly increased air fill prices, almost as if it's "punishment" for not using his instructors.
What is unusual about the situation, I think, is that it's a major change for all us 'regulars'. Before, air was $5.00 a tank and spare tank rentals were $6, although many times he loaned me and my partner (loyal customers) tanks for free. Now, air is $8 a tank for everyone and what burned my partner is a new system was implemented in which a credit card number had to be taken to cover possible loss or damage.
All right, I know that's standard procedure in most places, but it's a radical change from the old status quo. I guess you could say that we regular customers had it good for a long time, but now we feel we're being caught in the crossfire between warring shops. I am concerned, however, that instead of trying to lure customers to his shop with benefits, he may be driving them away with retribution. I like the guy, so I want him to succeed.
So here are the questions... 1) what do you pay for an air fill in your neck of the woods? and 2) Would you say something to the LDS owner about how you, as a customer, are feeling about new procedures? (or am I being too sensitive?)

$8. a fill for an 80 cu tank..$5. if you purchase an air card for 20 fills at $100... Rental tank is $12...sounds like the lds owner is trying to get what it costs him to perform this service...any less than that I would think about how often does he replace the filters and such..
$2/fill (any size) when using an air card at my LDS that can only fill up to 3300 psi.
$7/fill (any size, any mix up to 40%) when using a nitrox card at the same shop.

$4.50/fill (any size) when using an air card at a different LDS that can (and does) fill up to 4,000psi... I usually get air fills there, and ask them to overfill my HP tanks, overnight (cool fill) to 3700-3800psi. No Nitrox there, sadly.

$6/fill at another LDS that has modified grade-E air and has a booster to enable ultra-HP fills, although they are only willing to go to 3500 even. I very seldom get air there. They have Nitrox (to 40%) for $7/fill with a nitrox fill card, however, so I get Nitrox there on a semi-regular basis, esp. since it's very convenient to work and my working hours. They have to send them off-site for fills, however, as their on-site blending system is PP, and I don't keep my tanks O2 clean since most other places I go (including boats) use membrane systems for Nitrox.

Free air fills on my favorite local boat (usually to around 3400psi). Nitrox for $8, 15, 20, 25, depending on how many dives, or $50 for all Nitrox, all weekend on their 2-day jaunts (8-10 dives, so a very good deal).

I won't dive on boats that charge for air fills on top of what I paid for the trip.

Depending upon the shop I go to, it's $3 to $5 a tank. Of course after diving with you, I figure I have to cut that price almost in half based on our air consumptions. :D

One local shop that is literally just a couple of blocks from my house will even top off my tanks for free if I only need a few hundred psi. They feel that the air fill is there as a service and use it to build good relations with thier customers. Smart move for any dive shop in my opinion.

$5 for a tank or pre-paid aircard will bring it down to $4.50 a tank.

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