Not talking about dive shops specifically, but in any industry/business there are plenty of customers that are not worth whatever dollars they will take with them when they go.
Not saying that the OP necessarily falls into this bucket, but some customers just aren't worth it.
No offense taken, and you are 100% correct. For the record, I am a small business owner and I've been on both sides of this from a customer service perspective. I've fired customers that weren't worth the trouble.... I've dealt with high-maintenance customers... and I've recovered from employees who were out of line.
I try pretty hard not to be the high-maintenance, unprofitable, and thus unwelcome customer.
I have a pretty keen sense of what I expect from customers and what I do when my employees (contractors fall under the same umbrella here) are completely out of line.
I can assure you that if one of my employees cussed you out as a customer I'd be on the phone assuring you that I don't put up with this, don't condone it and will take steps to ensure it never happens again. I'd also be sure to ask you to give us another chance....
Unless I didn't want your business in which case I'd be polite and nothing more.