What the heck? - Part II (your dive gear x'mas wish)

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how about getting one of the chocolate hills? :) King of the hill! Then I'd build a moat. It'll keep the black knight at bay.

chocolate hills are protected area. negative:)
I think they do a pretty good job on the culture. Maybe one that understands tagalog so the rest of them won't have such a big headache with the translation!
It's not that I have a headache with the translation, it's that when I attempt to contribute or join in a friendly conversation and the folks start speaking and joking among each other in a language they know I do not know, my perception is that they don't want me, as an "outsider," be part of the conversation.

My reaction here is the same as my reaction when this happens in real life.... I leave. Whaddaya mean this happens in real life???? Well.... I used to be married to a Chinese guy. Most of his family spoke English, but when I was having a conversation with them, they would sometimes start speaking amongst themselves in Chinese. It was obvious that I was no longer a part of the conversation. Though it was probably not intended, it made me feel unwelcome. Of course, if there was someone in the conversation who did not speak English it was a different matter, but in those instances someone would generally translate for me (both ways).

You guys have some pretty cool threads, and since I'm mostly a night owl, it's usually folks on your side of the world who are online when I am. But once your threads break into tagalog, it's obvious that you don't want folks like me to know what you're saying, or to participate, so out of respect for your wishes, I don't. I'm making an exception in this thread since I kind of started this hijack... in fact, if you want I can split this hijack off into it's own thread? :wink:
You guys have some pretty cool threads, and since I'm mostly a night owl, it's usually folks on your side of the world who are online when I am. But once your threads break into tagalog, it's obvious that you don't want folks like me to know what you're saying, or to participate, so out of respect for your wishes,

I don't. I'm making an exception in this thread since I kind of started this hijack... in fact, if you want I can split this hijack off into it's own thread? :wink:

you know what, i suggest you fill up the "Introduce yourself ...." - stickie thread that is if you haven't filled up yet then you can do your hijacking here.hehhehehheheh

seriously , the reason they go into tagalog is not to isolate or obliviate anyone, it's just makes them able to express their personal sentiments on a more intimate nature. If you need translation just voice your need for translation.

most of the guys here with Regular Member or Senior Member posting designation would help you out with translations of the guys.

have fun learning moire of the intricacies ... ask kim, he has headaches over PPd threads.. hehehehhehe
It's not that I have a headache with the translation, it's that when I attempt to contribute or join in a friendly conversation and the folks start speaking and joking among each other in a language they know I do not know, my perception is that they don't want me, as an "outsider," be part of the conversation.

My reaction here is the same as my reaction when this happens in real life.... I leave. Whaddaya mean this happens in real life???? Well.... I used to be married to a Chinese guy. Most of his family spoke English, but when I was having a conversation with them, they would sometimes start speaking amongst themselves in Chinese. It was obvious that I was no longer a part of the conversation. Though it was probably not intended, it made me feel unwelcome. Of course, if there was someone in the conversation who did not speak English it was a different matter, but in those instances someone would generally translate for me (both ways).

You guys have some pretty cool threads, and since I'm mostly a night owl, it's usually folks on your side of the world who are online when I am. But once your threads break into tagalog, it's obvious that you don't want folks like me to know what you're saying, or to participate, so out of respect for your wishes, I don't. I'm making an exception in this thread since I kind of started this hijack... in fact, if you want I can split this hijack off into it's own thread? :wink:
cross my heart...when we post in tagalog we're just being stupid. We won't talk behind your back, promise. And hey, you can ask for a translation.
Sorry guys, I'm actually kinda shy and read a whole lot more than I post. Really! Having to butt in just to ask for a translation tends to disrupt the flow. I know Kim's trying quite hard to understand the culture since he's kind of your "sorta local" (same continent anyhow) mod. I'm just here in your forum to hang out and have fun and learn a little about your side of the world. I don't have any desire to disrupt the more personal banter that goes on in many forums.... well... unless of course it crosses the ToS lines :wink:

I think part of Kim's 'headache' is that as the sort of designated mod for the PPD forum, he can't tell without translation what crosses the ToS line and what doesn't. We have a helper (non-mod) who does translate for us, but it's kind of a PITA.

Anyhow, as I said before, you guys seem like a fun group. Thanks for the invite, but unless there's a crash course in tagalog, I'll probably never truly be part of it :frown:
@snowbear: feel free to ask for a translation...just be ready to laugh your heart out :wink:

hmmmm... we do have a tagalog-english translation thread....i'll go look for it

ooops...santa....one very last thingy...

can you please tell my clients to pay up so i'll have a pretty decent bonus this year? hehehehe
well, i think the smileys help alot on the mood of them tagalog posts.....

there is a thread on tagalog english dictionary.... search throught the threads.... if you have the patience, else just ask for a translation - no problem here. actually the fun part for us is doing english translation, as at times the english translation comes out quite differently from the intended tagalog message. :05:

I think part of Kim's 'headache' is that as the sort of designated mod for the PPD forum, he can't tell without translation what crosses the ToS line and what doesn't. We have a helper (non-mod) who does translate for us, but it's kind of a PITA.

Anyhow, as I said before, you guys seem like a fun group. Thanks for the invite, but unless there's a crash course in tagalog, I'll probably never truly be part of it :frown:
hmmmm... we do have a tagalog-english translation thread....i'll go look for it

go, tinatamad ako maghanap.
go, i am lazy to find it

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