What Sort Of Pets Do You Have?

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Ever since I was a kid, Ive had dogs and cats...

Last Halloween, I picked up two little kitties at the shelter...

Their names are Pepsi and Sprite...

No, really, thats their names...
I tried to post an answer earlier, but my newest cat managed to step on the power switch to the surge protector which, of course, turned the computer off.....

Ahhh pets...... I grew up in a family that was a pet mecca. I don't know how it happened, but my suspicion is that my younger sister was born with the mutant "Dr. Doolittle" gene that attracted animals from the entire town.

Thanks to my sister, we had every mongrel dog that either didn't have a home, or just wouldn't go home after hanging out with us. We also had cats, rats, mice, rabbits, chickens, fish, lizards, and even a tarantula when my cousin moved in with us.

My dad is a total sucker for animals, and even though he would never "allow" us to get one, if one "followed" us home, he would baby the darn thing......which is why we had chickens in our house in the winter. Let's just say that I didn't invite any friends over during my adolescent years - nothing like explaining why there is a rooster crowing on your footboard in the morning.
My sister desperately wanted an African Grey parrot, so they got her one......it somehow became my parent's bird, and they are on Grey #3. I can't stand the buggers......they are mean!

So now that I am a "grownup", I have a big, beautiful male Doberman named Mako, and an old, crazy yet faithful half dobe/ half aust. shepherd named Cody. We also have a big fat grey & white cat named Algernon and a new tiger striped dude named Fry. They make me crazy, but my boyfriend is a cat person, so I compromise where I can.

We also have 17 chickens, but that's another story.. :fork:
In the past...
a miniature schnauzer - Sugar
a turtle - fuffy
a budgie - rainbow
There were more before (such as a guinea pig) but I don't really remember them.

My 8yr old beige shorthair cat Spicer died in '99 from complications arising from diabetes. She was my first very own pet. Saddest day of my life and the hardest decision I've ever had to make (I had her put down ;-0 ).

Six months later I rescued a 2 yr old tabby from a shelter to fill the void Spicer had left. Piper is a perfect pet. She doesn't go on the kitchen table or counters or dressers and acts more like a dog following me around than an independent cat. She is currently residing at her "grandparents" (since mid-July) while I'm away most weekends diving. She comes home next week. :)


I tried to click on your link to see your pets and this was the reply I got (accessing from work obviously):

You were denied access because:
Access denied by SmartFilter content category. The requested URL belongs to the following category: Sex.


lol- It worked for me. They were two adorable pups, but anyone who might find those images sexy should be posting on a different board :D

I think your smartfilter is malfunctioning.

I have three lovely girls of my own.

Samantha-Golden Retriever/Black Lab mix about 8 yrs old

April-Samantha's littermate and sister my Alpha Female

Yasmine, about a 9 month Grey and White CAT/kitten (I am trying to figure out which as playful as she is).

Head bowed:

Last year we had to bury two dogs in the backyard that they so loved to run in. They are now chasing things in pet heaven.

Snoopy: a ten-year old Sheperd/ unknown hound mix. (Cancer)

Bart: a seventeen year old terrier mix (obvious reason)

Pets will always be a part of my family. I don't ever pay for them as someone is always looking to get rid of a dog or cat that they don't want or can't have due to a change in living conditions.

I have a limit, but if I am not full up (which I normally am), I will typically adopt a lonely animal.

And yes, the puppies in the two photos are cute.
I have 2 ferrets, GiGi and Chole.... they are the 8th and 9th we have had. They are very cool.

Rich :mean:

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