What Sort Of Pets Do You Have?

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Er,, I have 8 discus fishes in 2 tanks (fresh water) and about a zoo worth of teddy bears & doggies.

Unfortunately, living in a government subsidized flat meant that the rule of "no"s include big dogies which I liked....
I come home and what do I see?

Scuba gear all over the living room.....

Jack has been playing "scuba diver" again
New to forum- first post...

2 cocker spaniels- Chelsea (14) & Joe (4)- rescued from the Florida Cocker Rescue

3 cats- Carmine, Lenny & Shirley - inherited from rotten neighbors that left them when they moved

2 snakes- Jabet (ball python) & Rusty (red rat)
I'm a big animal lover.
I currently have two of the best dogs that I've ever seen one is pitt/rott mix and the other is an8month old Austrailian Cattle dog aka a Blue Heeler. The heeler will do back flips for a frizzbee.
I also have a cool cat.
About 2 years ago I hand rased a baby green wing.I still have her and she just loves me to no end.She is full flight and will fly to me on command and even off command She is the same breed bird on top left of this website.
I have two dogs - Australian Stubby Tailed Cattle dog and Keeshound

I also have two cats - strays who have stayed for 10 years now.

In addition, two fish tanks - one Cichlids, one freshwater tropicals
Hes going to be 12 soon and he came with us on our dive trip to the Florida Keys this summer!!!
I used to have a Sulcata tortoise. They are also called a "spur thighed" tortoise. They are very slow and they like shiny things. I used to put him on the lawn and he was always fascinated by the sprinkler heads. He tried to eat them.

Even if I picked him up and put him on another part of the lawn, he would just walk right over to the sprinkler head and try to eat it again.

Sulcata tortoises also eat dandylions. They are yellow and yummy.
Ok, let's see here, two aquariums with a bunch of fish, one turtle, one big black lab, one mmmmmm I don't know mixed up mutt, chickens, sheep, goats, one llama, oh and rabbits. Ok, most are my wifes, she's likes to spin and weave etc. while I'm diving.
highlandpiper once bubbled...
Ok, let's see here, two aquariums with a bunch of fish, one turtle, one big black lab, one mmmmmm I don't know mixed up mutt, chickens, sheep, goats, one llama, oh and rabbits. Ok, most are my wifes, she's likes to spin and weave etc. while I'm diving.

What kind of turtle did you have?

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