Now I have 4 new kittens added to the family.
Yesterday evening my calico mama cat named, LaTonya Princess Coquete Sweet Potato Floofy Pie (floovy for short) started having her kittens. The first was still born and was very hard for her to get out. She then had three live kittens in about 1 hour and cleaned them all up.
BTW All of this kitten dropping was happening in my bed.
It looked like the action was over so I finally made space next to the proud mama and kittens and got to sleep about midnight.
I awake to the sound of a screaming kitten and find a very wet, cold unhappy kitten. I thought something bad had happened to one of the kittens and was trying to see what. I found three, dry fluffy happy kittens and this one wet unhappy one. This was another kitten delivered more than 6 hours after the last kitten had come out.
Moma was not to interested in taking care of this kitten at first. She would smell it and then smell the others and didn't seem to think this new one was one of hers. After I handled the newcomer she decided that it really was one of the family as they all smelled alike.
The kitten was still very cold and unhappy so I put my hand around the kitten with it in mama's belly so it could find a nipple. This calmed and warmed the kitten and it calmed down.
About 5 or 6 AM I got back to sleep. When I awoke at about 7 AM I found 4 warm, fuzzy, happy cute kittens.
I wonder if I will be able to get much sleep tonight?