What Sort Of Pets Do You Have?

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6 dogs (1 Welsh Corgi, 2 Siberian Huskies, 2 Min Pins, and 1 evil Jack Russel/Beagle Cross).

2 Horses (1 Appendix Quarterhorse, 1 Anglo Trakehner warm-blood)


1 Great Dane, 2 other Corgis, 2 ferrets, 2 rabbits, quite a few fish, several thoroughbred and quarter horses, and several barn cats.
Currently...4 cats. Stealth, Springs, Shadow, and Bruce Lee. Want one?

Past: Other cats...Gabby Lucky, Patchy, OJ, Cleo, Toby, Gully Cat, Cat, PeeWee.
Dogs: Nicky, Princess, Poochy.
Rat: Nemo
Rabbits: Un-Named crew of seven.
Snakes: Several, all self captured.
Fish: All freshwater. Seven different tanks, over the years.

I've had my share of critters!
I've had cats named Spot, Cujo, Gray, Primus, Cal , and Lucky 7

Lucky 7 had 7 paws, I swear to god!
She was the coolest looking cat ever

Dogs were named Mercury (cause he just layed there), and Baby (who turned into a huge German Sheperd)
We always had dogs when I was growing up, mostly little Chihuahua/Terrier crosses. Mother had a parakeet when I was little, Blue Boy, who was really cool. That's what started my love of birds.

I bred, raised and showed Dobermans for a long time, confirmation and obedience. I still miss that one life dog they say we all have. Mine was a 3yo rescued Dobie. I had to put her down at 12yo but I still miss her daily. There's also been Min-Pins, Boxers, and numerous rescued mutts. For the first time in years, we don't have a dog at the moment.

We've always had outside 'barn' cats, mainly because I can't stand for cats to walk on my counters and living in the country they help control the field rodents. So far, Nemo is a house cat at night and a yard cat during the day!

I've also had fish tanks sine I was about 6. Right now I have 4, 120gal salt, 75gal brackish, 58gal fresh, and 30gal plant tanks. The 120gal is soon going to be converted to a fresh cichlid tank. I'm 49yo now and I've taken care of 1 or more tanks since I was 6. I guess you could say I like it.

Our other 'kids' at the moment are 3 parrots. Rosie is a 12yo male Double Yellowhead Amazon, Grace is a 11yo female Ghana African Gray, and Tootie is a 8yo male Green Conure, the damsel of the bunch. Thank goodness she's not as big as she thinks she is! Since Rosie and Grace have an intelligence level of a 6-8yo child, it can get wild around here. Especially when they start tattling on each other!
We currently have a Cocker spaniel mix dog (Scooter) , a black cat (BJ) and a pair of cockatiels (Bugsy and Snow).

We also had a wonderful Sharpei named Bud who died 9-11-2001. A really bad day.
mofosaurus once bubbled...
Lucky 7 had 7 paws, I swear to god!
She was the coolest looking cat ever

You mean toes, right? Cause seven paws would look like a furry octopus.
None at the moment, alas - not set up overseas to keep pets given my lifestyle and living in flats, and one thing that my parents taught me when we moved around a lot during my childhood...the needs of the animal come first.

But in the past...lessee...

When apartment dwelling in NY:
Tree hermit crabs

Tadpoles and axolotals when back in Oz!

When living in Singapore, we became involved with the SPCA's efforts to rehabilitate exotic birds that had been smuggled illegally into the country and dumped when injured or sick. So with a vast aviary, we had Black palm cockatoos, indonesian hanging parrots, a hornbill, a corella, Indian ringneck parrots, a cockatiel and budgies that had been 'donated' to us by ex-pats leaving the country, and my favourite - a medium sulpher crested cockatoo. (when we left, most of these went to the Jurong Birdpark...the black palm cockatoo was to join their captive breeding programme).

The vet were were working with also presented me with a tarantula one year that had been smuggled into the country in a boy's pocket. Rabbits and guinea pigs as well - our gardiner loved them.

Started freshwater tropical fishkeeping in Singapore as well.

Back in Oz, continued the tropical fishkeeping. Also finally settled enough to buy horses - started with a part-Arab, moved on to a couple of thoroughbred ex-racehorses.

Have also had various dogs - first was a lovely mixed breed that adopted us in Singapore. When back in Oz, we rescued a Lab x Kelpie from the pound that lived 15 glorious years before we lost him two weeks ago to a degenerative spinal disorder. Also my pet gargoyle - a little chihuahua that had been found dumped and wandering by the side of the road with half his teeth kicked in.
In the past I've had other dogs, a cat, fish, a couple of snakes, an iguana, hamsters, parakeets. Would have other stuff too, like ferrets or rabbits, but with the dogs, they would have been a bad mix.

I've always been an animal lover.


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