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Being that we're almost next door neighbors it just seems like the nice thing to do.

We'll have plenty of cold AC, our own ice machine and fairly hard beds and hammocks after July 1. Do you know how to paint and chase lizards?
Jim Baldwin:
Or you can do what my wife and I did and buy a house there. Now you don't have to tell people you're going on vacation diving. No, you're going to do work on your rental property, electrical, plumbing, painting, etc. You might might have a chance to take some friends. Got the CPA working on what we can deduct. I know we can't deduct the cost of the diving. But how about the travel, food, and bills.

Could it be Tax Deductible Diving or will we just owe taxes in the US and Mexico?
Headed back to Cozumel for two week the middle of June.

Hi, Jim. We have exchanged pm's before about the process of buying in Coz, with you giving me some advice on how to go about it. Thanks a ton, it helped alot and we started doing some preliminary house shopping/looking (were we on a dive vacation or a recon mission? :eyebrow: ) when we were there in April. I was just wondering about the cost of diving when living in Coz - is there anyway to get around the cost of booking with a dive op? With the current and all, I know you can't just boat out and anchor (probably not even legal to anchor). I would think that $50 to $80 for a two tank day would get prohibitive after awhile. How do the locals do it?
Hi, Jim. We have exchanged pm's before about the process of buying in Coz, with you giving me some advice on how to go about it. Thanks a ton, it helped alot and we started doing some preliminary house shopping/looking (were we on a dive vacation or a recon mission? :eyebrow: ) when we were there in April. I was just wondering about the cost of diving when living in Coz - is there anyway to get around the cost of booking with a dive op? With the current and all, I know you can't just boat out and anchor (probably not even legal to anchor). I would think that $50 to $80 for a two tank day would get prohibitive after awhile. How do the locals do it?

I may be way wrong here but I'm betting that many of the locals who like to dive are working on the boats and we're paying to dive. There's a lot of business diving and I'd bet many of them are working for the operators. Who knows, maybe on a slow day, a friend/dive operator of yours may call and invite you along as a friend or favor. Or, maybe one of them would give you quite a discount when they have space because you dive with them a lot. I'll tell you who to ask, Christy !
I may be way wrong here but I'm betting that many of the locals who like to dive are working on the boats and we're paying to dive. There's a lot of business diving and I'd bet many of them are working for the operators. Who knows, maybe on a slow day, a friend/dive operator of yours may call and invite you along as a friend or favor. Or, maybe one of them would give you quite a discount when they have space because you dive with them a lot. I'll tell you who to ask, Christy !

There are a few (full-time) locals (expats and mexican nationals) who I offer "local rates" to, but it is purely on a space availability/stand-by basis...or call them boat fillers. Alot of local "discounts" are also worked out in trade of some sort. However, most locals don't expect free or highly discounted services because they know and respect the cost of running a business here.

Holly can probably add some insight to the "local" rates on stuff as well.
Jim Baldwin:
Or you can do what my wife and I did and buy a house there. Now you don't have to tell people you're going on vacation diving. No, you're going to do work on your rental property, electrical, plumbing, painting, etc. You might might have a chance to take some friends. Got the CPA working on what we can deduct. I know we can't deduct the cost of the diving. But how about the travel, food, and bills.

Could it be Tax Deductible Diving or will we just owe taxes in the US and Mexico?
Headed back to Cozumel for two week the middle of June.

I've been going to Coz for over 13 years now twice a year. My CPA deducts the Air and Hotel expense of one of the trips each year as being our annual corporate meeting. I am president and my wife is V.P. It is perfectly legal if your CPA has the cojones, most dont.
There are a few (full-time) locals (expats and mexican nationals) who I offer "local rates" to, but it is purely on a space availability/stand-by basis...or call them boat fillers. Alot of local "discounts" are also worked out in trade of some sort. However, most locals don't expect free or highly discounted services because they know and respect the cost of running a business here.

Holly can probably add some insight to the "local" rates on stuff as well.

Christie nailed it! Most of us that live here respect how expensive it is to run a business here, and therefore we want to support our other locals by giving them our business. Now certainly there are as Christi said, "local" rates (do not think because you have a house here & come 3 times a year you will get a local rate - local means live here on island 24/7/365) and certainly some of us do trades, if it makes good business sense.

For those of us like Christi & myself (& several others) we talk about this quite often - - if we decide to give a local a "local discount" that is one thing - but when people come in EXPECTING a discount, it is very rare they get it.

We repaired a camera once for a guy that had bought a house here, and when we charged him - he was suprised - because after all "he has a house here"!!! Does not work that way my friends. No one enters the dive industry to get rich, but we do have our own bills to pay just like everybody - and as laid back, friendly as the dive industry people are - we still expect to get paid for the work we do - even from locals.

Living here is NOTHING like vacationing here - I always recommend to EVERYONE, before you buy a place here - come rent a place for at least 2-3 months & see what it is REALLY like. And do it, if you can, in the summer to see how the exreme heat & humidity is for you, and how expensive it is to run your A/C!!!!

And how expensive is it to live here - depends on how you live! If you eat out every night like you do when you are here on vacation - yep pretty darn expensive! Now prices of "american type" food in the grocery store are much more reasonable now, but I remember when to buy Oreos was a REALLY BIG DEAL!!!! Now if I want to splurge, I go to the distributor & buy Diet Dr. Pepper - not cheap but what a nice treat!!! Yet a manicure & pedicure are dirt cheap!!!! Once again - you pick your "splurges"
I would think that $50 to $80 for a two tank day would get prohibitive after awhile. How do the locals do it?

Thank you Holly...you said it much better than I did :)

Mo, the answer to the above question is that locals who LIVE here do not generally dive everyday unless they are actually working in the dive business. Living here does not allow one the luxury of diving, laying on the beach, going to the other side a/k/a vacationing unless you are retired and have someone that takes care of all of your personal errands and business for you. Simple things like going to the bank, paying bills (no mail or online bill paying), going grocery shopping, etc. can take a couple of hours for EACH thing.

If you are still needing to make a living while living here...say goodbye to "free time." I don't know ANY foreigner (or local for that matter) who is working or running a business that does not put in 12 to 14 hour days or longer...and I'm serious. The only exceptions would be the young kids who are here working in the jewelry stores or as divemasters, etc. and can get by on nothing because their living standards are still the "college" mentality.

As Holly said, simply owning a house on the island and visiting several times a year does not qualify you for "local privledges." So you own a home, great...good for you. Trust me (and Holly), without spending an extended period of time (3 months+) and actually having to go about daily life here, you really don't have as much insight as you may think.

I, like Holly, encourage anyone considering moving or buying here, to spend an extended period of time here and make sure you know exactly what you are geting into...and realize that your l;ittle Paradise island may change once it is not simply a vacation spot for you anymore.
I, myself, wouldnt want to live there..Just want to visit ~ 2X's a month..

When I daydream about winning the lottery, living in Coz is the last thing that comes to mind...Waayyy too poor, too many ships, not enough 'going on'..Guess its not exciting enough for me..

GC perhaps? Dont know, havent been there...YET.
I, myself, wouldnt want to live there..Just want to visit ~ 2X's a month..

When I daydream about winning the lottery, living in Coz is the last thing that comes to mind...Waayyy too poor, too many ships, not enough 'going on'..Guess its not exciting enough for me..

GC perhaps? Dont know, havent been there...YET.

You are absolutely right, this is a sleepy little island and there is not much going on other than diving...that's one of the reasons those of us who live here love it so much, but also one of the things that causes frustration on many occasions for those of us trying to run businesses.

Technology and modern day business practices are still very new here. When I came here over four years ago now, there was no such thing as high speed internet. Dial-up wasn't even an option in all places...still isn't. Most businesses were still not computerized. Cell phones were prety new to the market, and computer equipment was something that had to be shipped in at extraordinarily high rates. There is still no real sense of urgency to many service providers, etc. so when something needs fixed or you aren't getting the service you are paying for...it could literally take weeks or even months to get it resolved. These are just SOME examples of the prices you pay to live somewhere like this. It has it's very strong points as well, which most of the time outweigh these little frustrations.

Island life, no matter where it is is ALWAYS more challenging in several ways than living on the mainland...except islands that are connected by a bridge to the mainland maybe. I lived in Hawaii (Oahu) for about six months in the 90's and it had it's challenges as well. I also traveled for an extended period of time in Europe and lived in France for a year and went to school there (in 2000, so not very long ago)...again, many challenges. We take MANY, MANY things for granted living in the good ole USA.

As far as Cozumel being poor, everything is relative. Compared to most of Mexico, Cozumel is really moving up in the world and not NEARLY as poor as most of Mexico. It is also not as poor as places like Bonaire, Curacao, Belize and other latin/southern American islands/nations.

Cruise ships...yep, I could do without them too, but the bottom line is that they HAVE improved the lives of many locals and have hel;ped the economy of the island in general. Even thought the cruise ships only benefit a handful of actual businesses, the industry does provide ALOT of jobs for locals which stimulates the entire economy because these workers now have more income and buying power.

I guess the best summary for all of this is that it is all about what kind of lifestyle is important to you and how willing/able you are to adapt to different cultures and lifestyles. Having realistic expectations is also very important...again, no matter where you live.

My friend Sheri had a good explanation somewhere awhile back...wish I could find it. It was something along the lines of the people "migrating" to Cozumel being in one of three categories. Those who come down expecting to be on vacation everyday...they last about 6 months to a year if they're lucky. Then there are the 1 - 3 year people who just want to get away from the hustle and bustle of American living. They don't make any real investments/committments to the island and have had enough after about 3 years. Then there are the long-term and permanent immigrants. If you make it past the 3 year mark, you're safe so to speak and you've pretty much decided whether you can make it/take it here. This island will chew up and spit some people out, others don't have the patience to live here, and others think it's the best thing since sliced bread. As the old saying goes, different strokes for different folks.

Regardless, I don't think anyone will argue that the diving is magnificnt and the island has a very special charm and allure to it that draws people back again and again.

Smiles from Sunny Cozumel! :)

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