There is a difference according to whether or not the fin is actually moving through the water, versus being held statically and just churning unmoving water. The flow patterns over the fin are critical to its performance, so the fin needs to be moving through the water as it kicks, with the speed of movement depending on the fin, the kick, etc. Does your machine do that?
No it does not. I will suggest however that the relative performance would be similar whether the fin is moving through the water, or whether the 'hip' pivot joint is held stationary because you are still dealing with pressure gradients across the blade, and also the velocity of a diver moving through water is not that fast. Actually, when a diver is accelerating from a stop, the fin and diver is briefly not moving through the water at all, and so we would be mesasuring thrust when you start kicking while trying to build up velocity. One test I would like to set up is to move the guts of the machine onto a boat and repeat the tests on a lake, and then also you could obtain maximum boat speed. It really would not be that difficult to perform such a test, but you would want to use a relatively small boat of course.