What is the best DEFOGGER you have used?

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500 psi all the way. One bottle has lasted for 100 dives. I am never successful with spit and on a crowded boat with high winds.... could be interesting. Anyway...500 psi
NetDoc once bubbled...
my tongue in mask method works underwater as well. Yes, I have tried it (once when I forgot to treat my mask on the surface).

I'll have to try that next time I practice with the backup mask.

What's with all the guys in the tubes? You diving at the waterslides? :wink:
MantaRey once bubbled...
in all honesty, almost anything would work. I wouldn't be surprised if pee works as well. but I tend to stick with the thicker stuff, like the car wax looking stuff

I guess you do this only on boats that have a head......LOL

sorry....couldn't resist...

i can see it now.....smegma2000.....LMAO:D
Well, with some people's passion for diving, I wouldnt wonder if people would do it if they believe that it would make their dive fun...

I mean, look at us, we SPIT into our masks! Spitting on the streets of Singapore will get you a $500 fine!!!
I had always used 500psi and it's worked great. I've recently switched to using Sea Gold instead though. It seems to work just as good as the 500psi and doesn't leave the white crusty residue in between the mask skirt and where the lens meet. The Sea Gold stuff is a clear gel instead of a paste.

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