What is the appeal of Lake, Cold, Low vis diving?

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I went to Pompano Beach once with a group of experienced group of CWB's. (cold water barbarians)

Hmmm, I kinda like that. Almost flattering. I think I'll kill some food one the way to quarry this weekend, and then sleep in its hide for warmth! :D
They occasionally do in drysuits (or at least ring). :D

And people complain about the beeps from my computer!
The appeal of cold water diving, for me, is: Getting onto a local dive shop boat and heading out to a pristine wreck not knowing what you're going to get. Will vis be 15 feet (which would make an awesome dive) or will it be less than 5 feet (which would also make for an awesome dive). It's jumping into the water and seeing nothing below you. It's going down a 130 foot line with the only light being yours and your buddy's dive lights. It's getting down to the wreck and not stirring up silt so that you don't ruin the following divers experience. It's tracing your finger over the keel numbers. It's the privelege of diving on some of the most incredible wrecks knowing that many have lost their lives on these. It's knowing that if you make a wrong turn on a wreck and get too far away in 2 foot vis. it's going to be a free ascent to the surface. It's playing rock, paper, scissors with your dive buddy using a flashlight during your safety stop. It's having the trust in your buddy and the confidence in yourself to dive in these conditions.

I'm not trying to put anyone down here. This isn't a cold water/warm water debate because we could argue forever who has the "hardest" diving conditions. I can say that while diving in Key Largo last week, I saw two big sharks (not nurse sharks) and the first thing I thought was "how do you people do it". The only real difference I noticed is in warm water, what you see is what you get (literally) where here it's if you CAN see... The only thing that I don't agree with is CWD having trouble with depth, guages, etc. We actually got laughed at for checking our guages as frequently as we did, and for taking a compass reading on the boat before decending. In cold water diving, if you don't learn to consistently check your guages, you ARE in trouble. That's not bragging, just the truth.

As far as the better place to dive, when asked where my favorite place to dive is, the only answer I can give is "where ever the boat stops".
I will dive any conditions anytime. Commercial Or Rec or even Tech :)

Well, if you say so......


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Well, if you say so......
That is the one place where you would have to pay me to dive.
Whats the appeal????
Obviously someone who has to ask this question has never been to my favorite cold water, low Vis quarry in Ohio "WhiteStar" and had the pleasure of swimming to the sunken Frito Lay Truck, had the courage to navigate to the old Barney Fife Sheriff car, exerienced the thrill of sitting on the sunken scuba toilet, the rush of riding the proped up scubacycle while your buddies take your picture, or the pride of overcoming your worst fear that the 12 year old fishing above is not going to hook you and think hes got the big one as he sets his hook. But seriously as I come from an area with no warm water we don't have much options. I really don't think its about what you see every time your down, its about the experience of diving, being with friends, buying better equipment than your friends so they have to spend more to out do you, camping, and doing an activity myself and the fiancee love to do together. "Granted I think its because she can't yell at me with a regulator in her mouth! " But whether in Cayman, Bonaire, St Thomas, Aruba, or The White Star Rock Quarry we always have a good time and meet alot of nice people. And theres something nice about getting back to town and going to the club to watch the Bengals game and you talk to people and they tell you about their weekend of lawn work and playing a round of golf, and they say what did you do? And you say not much just went camping and quarry diving for a couple days. They get a look on their face that says it all "What a dull life I lead!!" Priceless

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