What do you do when your adult child does something stupid?

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Ann Marie:
He got his tongue pierced today.

Give him a few days until it gets infected. Then he can go to the doctor and have it cleaned and sewed up.

Thanks Terry! That is exactly why I am concerned! Infection and chipped teeth (especially since I am the one that remembers sitting in the orthodonist office every few weeks and paying the bills for his beautiful staight, white teeth!) :)

Todd, wait till Kellie goes there...
Ann Marie:
I’m not happy. In fact, I don’t like him much right this minute.

He got his tongue pierced today.

I'm with you Ann Marie. I would also be furious!

So far neither of my boys have done anything (I know of) stupid. They are 18 and 22..both in college. Like someone said, getting drunk and driving their friends around would be worse.

As someone else said, not much we can do but add them to our daily prayer list, and continue to hope for the best.
My wife and I were both close to forty before we got our first tatoos. At that time the kids were not too far into their teen years.

I tried bungee jumping when I was 36. My wife thought I was stupid; the kids thought it was cool.

When my wife turned fifty she wanted a motorcycle. She bought a Vespa instead. My daughter thought that was a stupid idea (she is 21). My son thought that it was cool (she is 22). I think that we can take a look at this both ways.

I am sure that there are some things that we can all agree are truly stupid. The rest are value based. Tongue piercing is something for me because of my personal values. As for my daughter, it is just a part of life. While I don't agree with it, I can hardly call it stupid.

At some point we have to step back and trust that the decisions our children make are taken with as much useful information as possible.
Ann Marie:
What do you do when your adult child does something stupid?

You laugh and tell him all the stupid things YOU did for
which your parents did not approve...

At this point, I would break out a nice bottle of red to help
the conversation "flow"...


Set aside at least two hours for this, cause
you and himm will learn alot from yourselves...
BTW - mine just had his first baby in March :wink: speaking of real stupid things.

Ha..mine (stepdaughter) just had her first baby in August...she's only 19! (her mom also took her to get her tounge pierced at 15)..

I have come to the realization that they will do what they want to do regardless of what you tell them you would like them to do...lol...I just make sure I tell them (both) exactly how I feel and what I think...so, they can either tell me I was wrong, or I can tell them "I told you so."...I am a butt!

Now, my soon to be 18 year old (in a month and a half) flooded half the house a week and a half ago. He turned the water in the tub on and...forgot about it...and didn't realize he had forgotten until all the bedrooms, bathrooms, and laundry room were flooded. He walks in our room at 11PM and asks for "another bucket" as I step out of bed...SPLASH! I wasn't "feelin' the love" for a few days...lol!

So, I like the idea of telling him you want to do it, and imitate his lisp...and letting him know that he can pay for the dentist bill if he chips those beautiful teeth:)
If your kids make it to 19 without a felony conviction, consider yourself a successful parent. My stepson is about half covered with tats, which I think is stupid, but he graduated from honors from a good school, so I don't complain. I just tell him "when I look back on the clothes I wore when I was you age, and realize that I wouldn't be caugt dead in them now, I'm glad I didn't do anything permanent.

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