What did you buy that you love the most?

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Do I have to pick one?

Four Pressed steel E7-80 cylinders. No need to pay more or carry more for shore diving with the AL-80 crowd. My wife and I are good to go for a pair of dives and enjoy being 12 pounds lighter on our feet. She's not that tall and loves the stubby little things.

My prescription mask lenses. it seemed like an indulgence at the time but I can see everything well and my eyes feel sooooo much more rested apre dive.

My Bare 3/5 hooded chicken vest. Layers with my 3, 5, and 7mm suits and makes them so much warmer than they are by themselves

My wife would surely cast a vote for her ScubaPro soft weight belt. Hangs nice on her hips and she hardly knows it's there.

I really like my gear (please note that I'm not a tech diver......yet)
The only real crap I bought were them OW fins,OK maybe a couple of them fine items that either stowed your back up reg or retracted a "what's it".
My favorite is my 13.5 18W jedi sword.
That thing has some nice burn time.
Second place goes to my first BP/W rig which I had over a year before I heard anything about it.
I just thought it was well made.
Looked good to me.
Never heard of any tech agencies and thought I'd have to ***** myself through DM to do anything different.
I dove the other day with out my light (first time in 200+ dives) and I missed it.
I missed it bad.
I had my poseidon xstream regs for about a year. They are really nice. The deeper you go the better they seem to breath. I've cruised across the deck of a shipwreck snapping photo's at 150 feet and they worked smooth as silk. Kind of gives you that edge that you need down there. Confidence in your equipment that it will work reguardless of environment. So goes the saying, what was once a luxery is now a necessity.

my Suunto SK-7 wrist mount compass...what a breeze to navigate, particularly on those dives with limited viz!
My reg (Poseidon odin) and apollo bio-fins after I bought my first reg and fins (not happy with them).

I am seriously thinking on making an investment on poseidon gear for my scuba career. What can you tell me about your regulator and its reliability. Do you happen to know anything about the poseidon BCs? Thank you...

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