What are the chances that TS Rina will blow out out diving later this week or worse

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Ok, maybe I said that poorly. :blush: Yeah, I am concerned about the folks, properties, businesses and the reef - and viz will be reduced a bit for a while, depending on runoff and what sands get stirred. Still, nvnetor is new here, probably found this site after google showed this thread with so many hits today, as that was the original subject. I hope he has a good trip, nice time at the square Sunday night and good diving. Coz will need the business.
Ok, maybe I said that poorly. :blush:
No, I thought you said it very well.

and viz will be reduced a bit for a while, depending on runoff and what sands get stirred.
With all due respect Don, how do you know? That is the point I'm trying to make.... nothing has happened yet. I think speculation like this, at this point, only adds dark clouds in the minds of those less knowledgeable but far be it for me to dictate how one should carry out their vacation plans... I'd just rather not talk about it all going to hell before it all goes to hell. KWIM?

Still, nvnetor is new here, probably found this site after google showed this thread with so many hits today. I hope he has a good trip, nice time at the square Sunday night and good diving.
If they carryout their plans, I'm hoping for the best for them as well. Again, I just don't think that was their motivation to post. YMMV

Coz will need the business.
Could not agree more.
Only a Cat-3 Don? How many Cat-3 hurricanes have you lived through? I lived in Houston during Ike which made landfall as a Cat-2 and claimed 195 lives! The worst I endured was 14 days without power. Keep in mind we're talking about the 4th largest city in the States which has a much more robust and sophisticated infrastructure than Cozumel.

The hurricane "category" is a bit misleading, Ike was a massive storm with storm surge more in line with a Cat4 and its windspeeds were lower mostly due to the inability of its eyewall to organize (still very poorly understood why organization cycles behave the way they do).

This is a much smaller storm, and may still get weakened by shear before it hits Cozumel.

However, the storm tracks are still suggesting that Cozumel is in the path of the most destructive of the winds, so a direct hit might still be fairly bad... But that's why Christi and everyone are getting prepared...
The hurricane "category" is a bit misleading, Ike was a massive storm with storm surge more in line with a Cat4 and its windspeeds were lower mostly due to the inability of its eyewall to organize (still very poorly understood why organization cycles behave the way they do).

This is a much smaller storm, and may still get weakened by shear before it hits Cozumel.

However, the storm tracks are still suggesting that Cozumel is in the path of the most destructive of the winds, so a direct hit might still be fairly bad... But that's why Christi and everyone are getting prepared...

I've been through quite a few storms, including Katrina. The worst part can come after the storm having to deal with lack of power, lack of water, lack of sewage, lack of food and fuel. I know that Cozumel is very good at recovery, but may still be up to a week before utilities are restored. We were due to fly in on Saturday, but we're most likely gonna reschedule.
Well, crap. Yesterday I was annoyed that might trip might be delayed for a couple days....now I am actually worried for the island and everyone there....
Don't worry too much. Hurricanes are part of life in the Caribbean and Cozumel residents know what to do.
I heard from my friends at Living Underwater (Jeremy and his wife Paola) that they took time from their own hurricane preparations and have been to my house, moved some plants and outdoor furniture/BBQ into the house and secured anything else that might blow around (propane tanks, water heater etc.). I LOVE my Cozumel friends. :kiss2:
Hey and just to repeat: The Mexican Red Cross in Cozumel is gearing up to give aid and comfort during and in the aftermath of whatever happens, so while we wait, wonder and worry, there is something you can do to help: Cruz Roja Cozumel Como Ayudar :nurse: Sling some dinero at our Red Cross Friends down there and help them out, then you can say you DID something to help. :support: Its PayPal, so its :epie: Whatever happens, they will be out helping the people of Cozumel.

I now return you to your regular angst....:shocked2:
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To answer the question posed in the OP, I believe that the chances are very good that TS (now Hurricane) Rina will blow out the diving at least for a few days this week. I am especially concerned about the shallow reefs that have not had much of a chance to recover since Wilma.

Here's hoping that it blows through quickly.
There are probably few places on earth better equipped and prepared to handle a hurricane better than Cozumel is. Hopefully the storm veers slightly and Cozumel doesn't take a direct hit, and since the storm is smaller in size a slight veer can make a big difference. So here is hoping of a little shake in the course of Rina and if not good luck and prayers to all those in the path.

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