Well guys and galls of the PPD, it's now official that I'm going to be doing my DM course in Puerto Galera as many of you suggested to me! Following BabyD's advice, I contacted Ethei of the Dive-dojo and talked it over with him a bit. He was very nice and seems to really know his stuff, on top of being highly recommended, so I said lets go and do this thing!!!!!

As BabyD mentioned, it's important to get a competent instructor for this type of course, so I put an X on Malapascua. Oh yeah, the isolation of the island also got me thinking about it...

Anyways, I'm going for 5 weeks and my girlfriend is coming to meet me for the last 2. Hopefully we'll get some time to visit a bit at the end. I was even thinking of a quick trip to Donsol to snorkel with the sharks( Anybody know how long this is by bus)? All I need to settle now is my plane tickets (my original plan of using airmiles to get to LA and take it from there was foiled; no more airmiles reserved seats left!

). Oh yeah and lodging. Does anybody have any recommendations for budget long-term (1 month) accomodation in PG? All I need is a failry clean room with a fan and preferably a toilet (in case I get sick:no). I also heard about something in the area called a "Baranguay", which seems to be a rental house or something of the sort. Anybody know about these? Any advice? Anyways, Ethei the instructor is looking out for something and basically suggested me getting there first and then seing from there.
I just wanted to thank everybody here who helped me out with all my questions, either by answering, or by hijacking my thread (causing much entertainment).

It was really great to have you all there for support! My trip should be around mid february to mid march. If ever any of you are in PG at that time, make sure to drop by and say hi or contact me! I'll be the one without a tan!

We can go for a few beers!
The only sad thing about doing a long course like this is I won,t get to visit all the different diving areas of the Philippines!

Oh well...