Looks like Oceanic / Huish Outdoors now refuses to service the transmitters with BM serial numbers -- which is the vast number of transmitters out there. These are the typical MH8A transmitters that are used by lots of different computers out there.
I bought an Oceanic computer and transmitter combination on eBay. I really just wanted the transmitter, but it was a reasonable price, and it was sold as "barely used". When I got it, the computer was fine, but the transmitter was in rough shape, including being obviously flooded inside.
I did some research and found that Oceanic would service the transmitter for $120. So I told the lying eBay seller that I would either return it or keep it if I received a $120 credit, which he agreed to. So I prepared to send my transmitter to Huish.
In order to send something for service, you need an RMA number, which you can seemingly only get by sending an e-mail, so I did. I received an e-mail that they do not service out-of-warranty transmitters. I sent a link to the Oceanic page stating that they do. I received an e-mail stating that the transmitters with BM serial numbers are discontinued, and that they only service those that start with FP.
The only thing they could offer me is their standard "trade in trade up" program. A quick Google shows that it's 'up to 20% off MSRP'. Given that the transmitter price is now $400 (the same as a Swift), you're looking at $320 at the cheapest, or 2.5 times higher than the service price they advertise on their website.
So, it seems I now own a dive computer I didn't want, and a useless broken transmitter, for which I paid too much money.
I just want to make sure everyone else out there knows: Oceanic / Huish Outdoors will no longer service the vast majority of transmitters. They will only service new ones that have serial numbers that start with FP!
Be careful when you change batteries, everyone...
I bought an Oceanic computer and transmitter combination on eBay. I really just wanted the transmitter, but it was a reasonable price, and it was sold as "barely used". When I got it, the computer was fine, but the transmitter was in rough shape, including being obviously flooded inside.
I did some research and found that Oceanic would service the transmitter for $120. So I told the lying eBay seller that I would either return it or keep it if I received a $120 credit, which he agreed to. So I prepared to send my transmitter to Huish.
In order to send something for service, you need an RMA number, which you can seemingly only get by sending an e-mail, so I did. I received an e-mail that they do not service out-of-warranty transmitters. I sent a link to the Oceanic page stating that they do. I received an e-mail stating that the transmitters with BM serial numbers are discontinued, and that they only service those that start with FP.
The only thing they could offer me is their standard "trade in trade up" program. A quick Google shows that it's 'up to 20% off MSRP'. Given that the transmitter price is now $400 (the same as a Swift), you're looking at $320 at the cheapest, or 2.5 times higher than the service price they advertise on their website.
So, it seems I now own a dive computer I didn't want, and a useless broken transmitter, for which I paid too much money.
I just want to make sure everyone else out there knows: Oceanic / Huish Outdoors will no longer service the vast majority of transmitters. They will only service new ones that have serial numbers that start with FP!
Be careful when you change batteries, everyone...