Chuck Tribolet:
1. It's a darn long drive from my house.
2. According to my buddy Kawika, who has dived it a few times, the anchorage is a bit dicey.
I'm going to overcome both of your objections.
1. There are a very large number of first class bed & breakfasts, lodges, or campgrounds all within very close proximity to Point Arena. You come up the night before, wake up fresh and rested, have a good breakfast, then go down to the pier and launch your boat and make the short 4 1/2 mile trip north around the light house and to the rock. Do 2 or 3 dives there and if you still feel good sucking up that 36%
then go back south past Arena Cove and on to an offshore bank I know of and do 1 more dive.
Then drive home.
2. I anchor right next to the rock in about 109 feet on the gravel base. I swoop the line quite a bit to keep myself away from the top. Next time I go I'm going to bring a stern line and double anchor to keep the aft end of the boat from swinging around. I went straight down the anchor line to the bottom then compassed over to the rock about 20 feet away from where the anchor dropped and worked my way up the sides and through the caves.
If there is any current I would work in teams and always keep one team in the boat and take turns. I would also suggest you and your divers bring marker floats and mirrors or other such signaling devices just for safety in case someone gets swept off.
But I guess it's all relative to what some may consider a dicey anchorage. I didn't think it was any big deal.
And the offer still stands, if you need coordinates just ask me. And if you want to take your boat out there when I go out there we could do that too.