One thing to remember is that in Monterey Bay the limit of state waters is not 3 milesJustinW:On the Salmon season, I don't think it will be a big problem with parking. Despite that fishermen will likely get shafted on the salmon season the restricted opener on April 1 is in essentially a closed season. The guys that show up won't be the bright ones. Ya see, this time of year the salmon are offshore, the opener only allows fishing within 3 miles of shore, not within reach of the salmon in April, later in summer they come close to shore. So where the fishers think the fish are, most will realize the fish are too far out to effectively target, last april in monterey the fish were far out and likely will be again. I however will be showing up the night before, parking won't be a problem then.
from shore, but three miles out from a line from Pt. Pinos to Pt. Santa Cruz. That's about
12.6 nm out from Moss Landing. And if it's flat, they will be running down to Pt. Sur,
where the season will be open, and to do that, they WILL put in at Monterey, not Moss
Landing, not Santa Cruz.