That's a practice left over from old aladins and similar computers where you could not change conservatism, but you could change your mix. It should have died out in the 80-s or 90-s but somehow people keep doing it.
And on a rebreather that is constantly analysing the gas you are breathing does absolutely nothing.
Irrelevant for discussion about this incident but the practice of diving Nitrox but setting computer as air (provided depth is not curtailing factor - high pO2) is defensible.
Conservatism level means not much on a computer with no gradient factors. I had/have Cochran Commander where conservatism can be set 0-50 but what does it mean? What is 0 and what is 50? Ambiguous.
When I look at tables and I can see a difference in deco between 21% and 27% Nx for the same depth and duration, I can assess the magnitude of that difference to give me an idea how much conservatism I am opting for. After all, computers are just fancy calculators (talking about recreational diving’s use.)