Fair enough, and my apologies for the way I expressed myself.
The post I was responding to mentioned tradeoffs to using a best mix approach. In the specific example I gave, the tradeoff is not big, for one short-ish dive.
My underlying point remains. I cannot see any negative to standardizing a project on the specific gases that are best for that project, rather than limiting yourself to a generic list of "Standard Gases". On the other hand, there is potential for negatives (though possibly not huge) when choosing to limit your choices to a generic list.
Example that maybe better illustrates my point: If you go to do recreational wreck dives out of Morehead City, North Carolina, the shops there bank EAN30, not EAN32 - though EAN32 is a Standard Gas and EAN30 is not. For the specific circumstances there, standardizing on EAN30 is better.
Similarly, ANY given project may have specific gases that are better for that project than the ones in the generic Standard Gases matrix.
I don't think it makes sense to turn this thread into a referendum on standard gasses.