Viral and feeling discouraged

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An old friend of mine's dad was a real old fashioned family practicioner had this suggestion for his cold patients: grab some oranges, a bottle of white wine and someone you love. Hop into bed, eat oranges, drink wine and enjoy each others company. If it doesn't work, at least you had fun trying :D

On a more serious note, echinacea has been proven to boost you immune system for awhile. The effect apparently diminishes after some weeks of use. I use it myself with good effect, along with the standards, rest, fluid, hot tea with honey etc.

No worries. With 9 days to go, you'll be fine before your trip if you take care of yourself.

If this is the same thing that is going around IN take everything you can and rest, rest, rest. I have had mine for about 6 days and just now starting to feel good. I know several people that have had it longer but they didn't rest. Most local docs are saying about the same as others here. There really is no quick fix for it.

Good luck on your trip.
Go to the pharmacy and buy some Coricidin gel caps. (HBP type if you have high blood pressure and you are medicating for it.) Take a couple every day, untill dive day, when you feel something coming on. That's how I ward off colds and have done so for 40 years. It works for me.
As a native Wisconsinite and dedicated Cheesehead myself, take comfort as I do: Brett Favre could never retire with his last pass being an interception in overtime in the NFC Championship at Lambeau Field, eh? With luck, next year will be as good or better, although perhaps less surprising. :biggrin:

Oh, and as for the cold, unless you give yourself pneumonia, you should be fine in time for the trip. Plenty of time left. (I wouldn't recommend ice diving or polar bearing in the meantime, and certainly bundle up, drink plenty of fluids, and perhaps eat a can of frozen orange juice concentrate -- it's *OH* so tart, but my, is it ever delicious... although you'll have to drink a pitcher or two of water before the thirst goes away. :D)

The game was actually a very interesting game. A few more mistakes on the Giants part and Green Bay and Brett Farve would be in the Super Bowl instead of Ely Manning and the Giants.

It will be an interesting Super Bowl if the last game of the season between the Giants and the Patriots is any indication.
Rinse out your head a few times a day. Seriously. Go to the Nasaline web site and watch the demo. About Nasaline

Then read this thread. Rinsing has changed my life. There are several others who after reading the thread have become rinsers.

While you are sick and trying to fight this off:
1 take lots of vitamin C When sick I do 1000 milligrams of ester C 3 times a day
2 take garlic tablets when sick I do 4 tabs 3 times per day of Kawi garilic
3 drink lots of fluids
4 rinse 4 or 5 times a day and anytime you wake up in the night
5 get extra rest
6 read on post on Scuba Board as much as possible during waking hours to keep mind focused on happy diving thoughts---avoid all split fin/jet bpw/jacket threads as well as lds vs online threads and look at pleanty of gallery pics
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BTW, it's amazing how much better one can feel when you see the clear, warm, blue water from your plane as you descend to your destination. :wink:

You don't know how true that is. I had a 14 hour flight to Sidney, in a middle seat of all things. Plus, our flight was turned around 3 hours into the trip and we returned to L.A. and were bussed (can you say moo) to hotels for the night, returning to the airport to depart again the next day. Needless to say, I couldn't sleep a wink the whole way and was 'miserable'.

But seeing the coastline and what I was anticipating, perked me up and made like there was no inconvenience at all (at least until I got back and the depresssion set in of being back to the 'daily grind' :D)

Anyway, once you see the island from the air, the crystal clear water and reefs there under and start imagining yourself beneath it, any 'discouragement' will have been long gone.

Have a great trip!
Thanks all.....I knew the fine members of this board would provide just the right medicine. I have taken your advice and am employing an Army of tactics to rid myself of evil. I'm so hopped up on Zycam...I don't know whether to throw up on myself or fall over first.

It's all good folks and thanks again for the encouragement. I'll post a follow up after my trip. Hopefully with lots of great stories to share.

Let us know the good news - that one of these homebrew remedies worked and you felt fine for diving in Roatan! If I wasn't going back to Cozumel in 22 days I'd be jealous!

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