Venice Beach Bash 2010 June 12

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Besides the sock idea, Florida West dive shop sells the mesh bags. I think they are about $10 and located pretty close to the dive site.
My dive club has had a dive scheduled on that date at that location since October (SB usually schedules this dive about 2 weeks later). Would it be OK to tell my dive club members to bring food to participate?
Absolutely, I see no reason why not Walter! It would be loads of fun!

Yes, you are correct about the dates, we usually plan this event at the end of June, but other events were already in the works and we had to move this forward.
I'd love to come to this, but I just can't. I have a major fundraiser on Friday night and another on Saturday night and I just can't be everywhere. And it's so stinkin' hard to take a vacation day on a Saturday. Will there be another of these in 2010?
Debby, we will have the Turkey Fry in November, but the water is a tad bit on the chilly :cold: side. I am game though, for a trip over a few more times this summer to look for teeth..

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