UW Sports Seattle - Requiring 6" Nitrox Sticker ---ARRRGH!

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Thats how you make nitrox in the first place.

Ummm... I am sure you mean that this is just *one* of the ways to fill your cylinder with Nitrox... right? :D ;)
Oh Bob!
That is just "terrible" :)
I have never been questioned about my sticker or had anyone use my tank by mistake.


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Ummm... I am sure you mean that this is just *one* of the ways to fill your cylinder with Nitrox... right? :D ;)
If you re-read the question at the top of my post, it asked:

"How do you partial-pressure blend nitrox?"

The answer to that question is that you first add O2 and then top with air.

Yes, there are other ways of blending nitrox, but they do not involve pumping air into a nitrox cylinder.

Which was the point of the post. :)
If you do decide to use the Nitrox (or Voodoo Gas) stickers, remember that they must be removed during your annual visual inspection. If they are not removed by the person doing your VIP, go somewhere else where they will do it properly.

Even properly installed stickers can get corrosion under them. When I finally removed my factory-installed PST stickers from my tanks after diving with them for 3 years, all of them had a bit of corrosion underneath.

Personally, I hate the stickers. I think it would make a lot more sense for the filler to slap a piece of duct tape on the tank, stating his name and what he filled it with, with room for a personal analysis and MOD.

The rationale for using a sticker to warn non-Nitrox divers seems a bit bogus to me. It encumbers owners by requiring them to warn others not to use their tank without permission.

But from and LDS perspective, requiring stickers is a great way to advertise Nitrox and generate interest in it. New divers are mesmorized by the stickers: "Nitrox Only? What's that about? How do I join this Nitrox-Only club?" I bet more than half the people diving Nitrox first found out about it by seeing the sticker on someone's tank.

As tec diving becomes more popular and more LDS's cater to that group, you can bet it won't be long before "Trimix Only" stickers will be required. I think they should be orange with blue lettering, to make them stand out against the Nitrox Only crowd. ;)
I think that the "Sticker is there to protect non nitrox divers from themselves" Darwian protection scheme has been beaten to death.

Haven't read every answer to the thread, but here is another reason for the sticker.

Many dive shops have different blending panels for providing "Other than air" gases, and one for regular air. The sticker is an added protection for the store and for it's customers that the correct fill panel is used for the right type of tank. Once you have had your cylinder O2 cleaned, you cannot just fill it with air. While the fill does not need to be EAN, the fill does need to be clean air so that you don't contaminate your cylinder for the next EAN use.

Just my 2 cents

Many dive shops have different blending panels for providing "Other than air" gases, and one for regular air. The sticker is an added protection for the store and for it's customers that the correct fill panel is used for the right type of tank. Once you have had your cylinder O2 cleaned, you cannot just fill it with air. While the fill does not need to be EAN, the fill does need to be clean air so that you don't contaminate your cylinder for the next EAN use.

You are misinformed about needing an O2-cleaned cylinder to get a Nitrox fill. Most dive shops (including Underwater Sports) use continuous blending for their nitrox fills, so the O2 content of the gas is never greater than 40%. Only if you do partial-pressure gas blending (more of a trimix or DIY thing) would you need your cylinders O2 cleaned because then they would come in contact with gas that's greater than 40% O2.

Of course, that doesn't stop some LDS's from insisting that tanks be O2-cleaned before allowing a nitrox fill. But that's not an industry standard, and I'd take my business to a better-informed shop.
Hi. I am the guy at underwater sports who wouldn't fill your tank. I am sorry for the confusion about the 6 inch sitcker. I talked it over with the person in charge of all fills and he said that we can allow tanks with the two inch bands. It is a policy that has just recently been enforced and there is still some comfusion on what is allowed. Also if you would have stayed and talked to me about it instead of storming off and writing stuff on the web I would have given you a free nitrox sticker (they aren't $20). So if you do ever come back into our store I will pay for your fill myself and if you have a problem then you should talk to me about it first. By the way my name is Tyler and if you introduce yourself I will remember. Once again sorry for the misunderstanding.

I have been following this thread loosely for a while now ( I know it hasn't had a super recent post), as it has expanded into various other topics- but something is bugging me and I gotta ask! The continuing LDS vs. internet debate may be the source of my irritation on this But, is no one else a litttle annoyed/offended by the post I quoted? Personally, I find him rude and a little offensive- even though he tries to downplay it with little apologies mixed in. I guess what it really is that bugs me is that A) Someone obviously told him that he was being 'bashed' on SB or something. B) He then goes and creates an account (in typical LDS fashion) to explain why it's the customer who is actually in the wrong. Never to be seen again on SB in any other post or discussion. :shakehead:Whatever!:shakehead: It seems this ploy gets used alot when someone has a problem with an LDS and posts about it- and the "customer is wrong/a jerk/ bah blah blah" just gets under my skin.
Hmm...didnt sound that way to me at all. Sounds like he is trying to fix his screw up in the place where it is being aired. He doesnt say the customer was wrong. And if you have ever worked retail, more and more the customer throws a tizzy fit if they cannot get what they want regardless of it is right or wrong. However, in this instance, the LDS employee is not saying the customer is wrong. Sounds like both didnt handle the situation correctly.
Just my two bits....

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