underwater death and suicide

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Greetings to All-

I am an editor for an international dive magazine and I am preparing the fourth and final article in a series on DEATH AT DEPTH.

Over the many years I have been diving, a commonality of opinion has run around dive decks that "drifiting off" in deep blue would be the ulitmate way to die. Although statistics deny that there are any verifiable cases of suicide at depth, I personally know of four. There simply are no central records kept on causes of death worldwide. DAN does offer an accident and death report each year, but there is a difference between CAUSE of death and MANNER of death. The bottom line is that all suicides at depth invariably become drownings...unless you superglue your reg into your mouth, when you become unconscious, the seal between rubber and lip is broken and water enters the airway. It is termed an "drowning" death by dive industry registers even if a suicide note is attached to the body or a knife is protruding from the chest (Croatia, 2003).

So, divers of the world, what are your opinions about suicide beneath the waves? Do you feel the lure of the sea's depths to be the ideal method of peaceful and eternal sleep? Do you have any experiences with other divers that smack of suicide?

Any comments on the subject of DEATH AT DEPTH is welcomed grist for my mill.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Due to the constraints of this message board, I am forbidden to divulge names and personal addresses, so please respond to this thread.

Thank you again for your involvement....
Well, I've been wet all my life. Swam in competition from the single digits thru me early 20's. Now I own a Dive shop. The point, I love the water period. That does seem like the way to go, but I don't think I could ever do it or see anyone actually wanting to die this way. I'm a cancer survivor and I've gone through one other tragedy in my life. Even after all this, No, I can't imagine commiting suicide that way. But I think I might like my ashes scattered over the sea.

I would like to read all your articles when your finished.
My two biggest fears are:

1) burning to death
2) drowning

Nope not the way I want to go...

I agree with CincyBengalsFan that it would be nice to have my ashes scattered at sea though.

Jeff Lane
DiveDuo once bubbled...
Over the many years I have been diving, a commonality of opinion has run around dive decks that "drifiting off" in deep blue would be the ulitmate way to die.

To die underwater in this way means you still have to use some other means to end your life - like an overdose. I don't know how peaceful that is - the OD's we've had to clean up have all been pretty messy, and some have involved convulsions which doesn't seem like a very peaceful way to go to me. I guess you would want to ensure that you are pretty much gone by the time you try to inhale water.

You certainly wouldn't want to off yourself by drowning. Second only to burning to death, I can't think of a worst way to go.

Ok, I'll bite. I have to agree with RMEDiver, death by drowning or fire has to be my two biggest fears. To think someone would what is in essence "volunteer" to die by drowning is beyond my comprehension. If one dying at the ocean is so important, why not take a drive to the beach, find some secluded spot, stick a hose in the tailpipe of your car and the other end in the window and seal it off with duct tape. Start you're engine, listen to the surf while carbon monoxide lulls you off to oblivion. It will certainly make recovering your body alot easier for the poor schmucks charged with that job!

Personally, I'd rather be shot by a jealous husband.. You can put the following on my tomb stone. "Here's lies Dennis, shot in the gut, he died happy, getting his nut".

Death by unga bunga! Yeah baybee!

Oh hell no. I've read that after the initial shock and struggle, drowning is actually quite peacefull. I don't see that, I'm thinking it's a struggle untill you black out.
Also, my brother is a fireman and said that unless you actually fall into a fire, most deaths from fire are actually smoke inhilation(sp). People become overtaken by the smoke, choke and passout, then the fire gets them and then most people are already gone from lack of O2, so technically, you aren't burned to death, not like burnning at the stake, but even then, it can't be that much better, choking till you drop.
So, nope, can't say that drownign would be 1 of my options...
Well I love the water and always have, Sea ,River, Lakes.
I nearly drowned a couple of times as a child , I used to be into extreme kayaking before diving which was kind of risky, but if I ever decided to deliberately top myself I certainly wouldn't choose this method. The thought of not being able to breathe and choking on water isn't very appealing, no thanks I would choose something nice and quick, like a bullet in the brain(although that would be a bit difficult in the UK due to gun laws), perhaps jumping out of a plane without a parachute, that would be fun and an ultimate high :D
I am sure this is a troll

.. but ... I`ll bite anyway

I would never put my diving friends through the horror + danger of searching for my body
I would never put my family + friends through the uncertainty of not know what happened and wondering if I were still alive somewhere
I would never put them through the emotional upset of my body being found several years later ( yes it DOES happen I know from personal experience )

If you feel that you have to comit suicide = this has to be the one of the worse ways for those left behind
I have also heard that it's a peaceful way to go. As for me, I want more time among the living, not less.

When my time does come I want to be cremated and have some ashes scarrtered in Golden Gate Park, some scattered at sea and the rest thrown in the volcano on Hawaii.

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