"rechargeable battery that lasts several days" and after you've used it several days and it will no longer hold a charge, you can send it back to Divetronics and they'll replace the battery under warranty which should last you several more days.As for a dive computer, let me save you time. Get the Shearwater Teric (there is a new model out but I know nothing about it). I have a review posted on the Board. it is without a doubt the best DC I have ever seen and excels in every single way that a DC can excel. plain English menus, rechargeable battery that lasts several days without charging,
Teric owners, have you required repair or replacement service?
There have been multiple threads discussing repair and/or replacement service for Shearwater Terics. Nearly always, repair and/or replacement service has been praised for responsiveness and speed. As, generally, only problems are reported and discussed, the need for service or replacement may...
Only partially kidding. Experience rates among respondents to the poll ~50% - show this is possibly not the DC you might expect from SW. Richard's warranty service is, however, exceptional. I traded my Teric away right after its first warranty battery replacement - straight up for a second (used) Perdix. Plus the menu on the Perdii are more intuitive for me.