I have found this thread painful to read, because I know and have dived with a couple of the instructors involved with this group (who were not on the trip, but may well have worked with the young men involved, although I do not know that to be a fact. I'm sure, however, that they knew the boys, and that they know the instructors who taught them and who were with them).
With no information about the accident other than that two young men died diving off a boat, as part of an outing, and according to sketchy information, with empty tanks, some people have simply and scathingly condemned their diving education. Can you imagine how it must feel to their instructors, if they read these posts? As if it were not enough to feel the pain of losing students (and I simply can't envision how I would feel, if one of the people Peter and I have taught to dive were to die doing it), they then have to read merciless condemnation of their performance as instructors, based on nothing more than a pervasive feeling on the part of the SB community that dive education is generally lacking, and the fact that there was an accident.
Please, stop and think for a moment about whether you have enough information to justify an on line lynching, before you write hurtful things.