Intentionally overstated to widen the focus.
I see this as a failure of the entire system that places kids of this age into this sort of a situation while relying on a novice buddy to perform some sort of magic. There is blame and it is widely shared among almost anything involved in this situation.
Again, my opinion. Knowing absolutely nothing other than what I read here, I don't really belong in this thread but it hits very close to home. -felt compelled to post.
Very sad.
I was on a dive to Devil's Throat in Cozumel a while back and the DM (who was with our group...not local) buddied up the two least experienced divers. On the way down, one of them was having ear problems and the other seemingly oblivious, continued his descent. Before we entered the "throat" I signalled my buddy and we caught up to the two novices and I changed up the buddy pairs to have one experienced diver in each pair (I stayed with the "ear problem").
They had no business on that dive but the DM seemed indifferent to their lack of experience and didn't see fit to at least team them up with a more experienced diver.
We have to drill into new divers that diving is incredibly fun but ANY dive can turn into a cluster $%#* so never be complacent and never allow a DM (or anyone else) to put you in a situation that makes you uncomfortable. And remember, younger divers, particularly male divers, have a hard time checking their egos at the dock and might never let you know they are nervous.