Two divers missing Whitsunday Islands

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i hear he accepts credit cards these days.... ka-ching!
Sometimes you can't resist huh...?
i hear he accepts credit cards these days.... ka-ching!


I also think that this is pretty much uncalled for. :no :coffee:

A lot of thread was based on speculation and pretty much all info given turned out to be wrong or completely explainable;
-water on the dive; possible for various reason
-5 mm wetsuits, why not, I live and work in Thailand and know various divers (instructors) who work here that use 5 mm protection
-shark repellent, turned out they never had it
-anything else?

They may have ignored a dive briefing, but again, that's speculation.

If I would be in their position, besides being glad to have survived, I would also have no problems selling my story.
Although I was sceptical in the beginning, I think that they deserve some slack and we should be glad that they survived and didn't become a statistic like the Lonergans.
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There is still absolutely nothing in this thread, not one piece of information that corroborates the theory they did this on purpose.

They might have been partially at fault, they might not have been but really I can't see how anyone rational could think they planned this.
I also think that this is pretty much uncalled for. :no :coffee:
oh please..... i have said they are welcomed to every cent they make out of this and i would be doing it also if i was left out in the ocean for 19hrs!

you shouldnt take everything so seriously
I agree! I don't think it was planned. I also still don't see how an Australian dive boat could be so negligent as things may suggest. It seems regulation in the industry is pretty good down under. Again, glad they are safe.
Richard and Ally said in the TV interview that they had not been offered any money yet. Rich also said he was briefed by the tour leader to go outside the lagoon. I think that this would be considered professional courtesy. If this was a day trip out, then there would not have been many experienced divers on the trip and the tour leader was undoubtedly trying to make their experience the best one they could. I don't know where the money thing came from actually; not from Rich and Ally. Watch and listen to both interviews, part one and two.

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Richard and Ally said in the TV interview that they had not been offered any money yet. ......]

oh give me a freaking break!!!

they travelled with max markson - the biggest Z-celebrity PR ***** in this country from autralia to NY for tv interviews

and you expect me to believe they did it out of the goodness of their hearts

there is no shame in taking money for selling their story

i dont know them, i wish them both the best and enjoy every single cent they make for their trauma but if they are going to lie about accepting money then they need to stop giving interviews now before their credibilty sinks even further

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