To pee or not to pee; the survey

Do you pee on your wetsuit?

  • Yes, I do pee in my wetsuit

    Votes: 548 72.3%
  • No, I dont pee in my wetsuit

    Votes: 190 25.1%
  • No comment

    Votes: 20 2.6%

  • Total voters

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Nope... I don't marinate... never have... never felt the urge that strongly...
My wife doesn't believe me... She thinks I'm in the "pees but lies about it" category... I know better...
But, that's only because she pees so often she has a hand signal for it...
Oh by the way, I allways hear that there is 2 types of divers...... ones who pee in there wetsuit, and ones that lie about it.......hence the "no comment" boxQUOTE]

So if we don't were liars?

I veiw peeing in a wetsuit about the same as peeing in my bed. I don't want to sleep in it. I did that once, I didn't like it.

Same goes for my wetsuit.

I know a guy who will do more than pee. Yep he is an expert at doff an donning. Fish luv 'em
For the love of all that is holy, will people please stop using this "urine is sterile" as an excuse for peeing on themselves. While it's true that urine is sterile, just think for a moment what you'd do if a stranger walked up to you, whipped it out, and took a long whiz all over you. How many of you would shrug it off with "no biggie, it's sterile!" If you want to pee yourselves, go for it! Just don't think for a moment it's necessary or desirable. And especially don't assume everyone does it!

Well I suppose if stranger whipped it out and peed on me I'd be upset that they may ruin my shoes! There is a big difference between a stranger's urine and your own. I control what goes in my body so I"m OK with it. I get cold and it really helps me keep warm. Anyhow, I'm in the ocean and all the sea life is using the ocean as it's bathroom.

If it irks you, don't do it. Obviously a lot of us do and a lot of us done. My husband doesn't, I do. Personal choice.
If it irks you, don't do it. Obviously a lot of us do and a lot of us done. My husband doesn't, I do. Personal choice.

Um, clearly you didn't bother to read where I wrote "If you want to pee yourselves, go for it! Just don't think for a moment it's necessary or desirable. And especially don't assume everyone does it!". If this isn't a vote for personal choice, I don't know what is. My take is simple. I want to marinate in a strangers pee about as much as I want to marinate in my own pee. Which is to say, not at all!
If you're properly hydrated, it doesn't smell either.


Not if you just ate Asparagus, then it always smells! :wink:
Try a little Gatorade... increases the salts in your blood temporarily and affects kidney osmosis a bit... you tend to retain water longer. Plus, your electrolytes are in better balance, so leg cramps are less likely.
The whole issue really boils down to getting your "head around it". Let's face it, when you decide to discarge some ballast-whether it be in your suit or in the sea, that urine has been in constant contact with your body until that time (only internally as opposed to externally). Most people would be horrified to have a stranger walk up and spit into their mouths-but amazingly enough 3-4 shots of mezcal and those same people will swap spit with whoever they find attractive. I spent 8 years living with the Yupik Native Americans in western Alaska, I got over eating issues and pretty much most urination/deffecation issues rather quickly-by necessity not choice. That being said, I am happy to be back living in civilization.
And if anyone is really so icked out about a little pee, just remember that most municipal water sources rely on a lot of "reclimation", so even if it's not in your suit, it islikely in your iced tea.....
Most people would be horrified to have a stranger walk up and spit into their mouths-but amazingly enough 3-4 shots of mezcal and those same people will swap spit with whoever they find attractive.

Yes, but notice even in this situation we still wouldn't let most people pee on us. Though do see the wikipedia link I added a few posts ago...

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