Tired of DIR

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If I remember the instance, he wasn't on a WKPP dive (or allowed on the team) because of a serious medical condition. He went diving anyway.

I still think that the WKPP record is PERFECT. Will it stand? I don't know. But I do know that they have a better chance than anyone out there to get out of a nasty situation.
Originally posted by Uncle Pug

That isn't germane to the argument of efficacy and as you point out it would be paralyzing to let others behavior dirrect your life.

Exactly. (i think) LOL.
Damn UP- you type fast!
Thanks for the highly informative comments.

What I get from this:
If I want to be the best diver I can be (which I do), DIR is one system that will help me achieve that, in the end. But for now, I can work towards (say) PADI Master Diver level - this is most probably a hugely amusing title for some :tease: - without necessarily being a "stroke". Beyond that, learning about any good system for tec diving will improve my skill and safety, even as a rec diver, and even with run o the mill gear.


Well, you could do that, but..

Why would you want to spend all that money, when you can take the DIRF, Tech 1, and Tech 2 for a whole lot less, and learn a whole lot more?

That's the funny thing about GUE/DIR that most people don't get. In the long run, it will cost you less money than doing it other way (DITOW).

Every time I see a class for PADI's boat diver and underwater ass scratching specialties that they make you pay money for, it drives me crazy.
Originally posted by DuckDive
That is correct. No.

Mediocrity as a goal? Sure if you are willing to put forth the effort.

If you really want to be the best and you are convinced that DIR is the best then that is the way to go from the start.

If you are not convinced that DIR is the best then go with one of the other ways and give it all you've got.

But to say that you want to be the best and then wonder out loud what you can get by with is.... well...

ok DIR guys, lets put it this way: imagine that I can afford to go aboard and take a GUE formation, imagine I can afford to change all my gear in order to get a DIR configuration, imagine that I return to Portugal with a DIR attitude ... what will happen then? I could never dive here! I wouldn't have any DIR buddies!

That's what I dislike. I'm finishing the DIR F book, and I agree that JJ doesn't have a direct elitist attitude, but if you read between the lines there it is!


Dive sherpa: I will go to Florida when I'll have my cave cert so I can dive the wonderful holes you have in there
Originally posted by Uncle Pug

But to say that you want to be the best and then wonder out loud what you can get by with is.... well...

Re-reading your post I believe that I was initially reading into it what was not there and my repsonse was entirely too harsh and critical in any case.

Please forgive me.
Originally posted by Sue
ok DIR guys, lets put it this way:

what will happen then? I could never dive here! I wouldn't have any DIR buddies!

That's what I dislike.
Couldn't agree with you more....
This is the biggest obstacle to overcome....
My solution was to get the buddies I had to go with me....
Not everone can do that....

But if you were able to get together some of your friends and bring in a GUE DIRF instructor that might be a solution.
I prefer to discuss the merits of DIR rather than the attitude. Rarely does someone ever put forth a decent argument against the merits of DIR. Even a new diver who hasn't been exposed to the dark side can see the merits -- they are obvious.
The trick is getting people who have seen the dark side to open their minds and view it with an unbiased vantage. I began my DIR quest having been exposed to the darkside and was reluctant at first too. I was able to sift through the BS and pull out the merits and incorporate them into my diving. Now, I understand the attitude of some and have actually come to respect guys like Irvine. I found out that just because someone comes off as a nice guy doesn't necessarily mean they have your best interest in mind -- I went the TDI route [hint]. Even though I understand the attitude, I choose not to incorporate it into my lifestyle (albeit, I won't dive with a non DIR diver on an advanced dive).

I want to reiterate the following:

DIR is not dependant on GUE training.

DIR is not dependant on Halcyon/EE gear.

DIR is not nearly as rigid and stagnet as so many people believe.

DIR is not a groupie thing where all the members have an arrogant, elitist attitude towards the rest of the world.

One thing is for certain, however, and that is the entire subject is filled with an enormous amount of misconception and emotion. The attitudes of a few proponents are totally irrelavent to the merits DIR. If someone genuinely believes they are diving safer with whatever gear or philosophy they are using and dismisses DIR on the merits, then let's hear it. I'm always up for a DIR debate -- it's an easy win! :D

Take care,


See you guys Sunday night.

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