Tipping - how much and are we cheap

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herb I am spreading the word to all the Hawaii boats that a big tipper is on his way...

I prefer bribes.
herb I am spreading the word to all the Hawaii boats that a big tipper is on his way

If he doesn't deliver, are they going to drop him on the site where everyone dies on the sharp lava rocks? :D
Big tips here consist of a case of bud and a bag of pork rinds. :wink: How much are pork rinds on Oahu?
Big tips here consist of a case of bud and a bag of pork rinds. :wink: How much are pork rinds on Oahu?
I would just like to point out that he's from Southern Oregon :shakehead and I'm from the Eugene area. We're much more civilized, here. Folks from our parts would tip a case of Bohemia and a jar of oysters. Mmm Mmmm!
I'm afraid that I have to reply to this thread and I am sure I can't add anything that has not already been said, but the 16 pages of tipping/not tipping grabbed my interest.

We tip $15-$20 a person per 2 tank dive. That said, we ALWAYS use small dive boats, just us, no others...we want the personal attention. We are not 100+ dives under our belt, so we want to get the most out of our dive, we want the personal attention. We found that to take a boat & DM out for 5-6 of us is only $10 a person more than if we took the big "cattle" boats. That said, the DM, and yes, the captain, are only going to be tipped from 6 of us instead of 20, so smaller tip day. I mention the captain because I saw so many of you state that the captain shouldn't be tipped...well, why not? He is not making great wages either (unless it is his boat, though I doubt he is making great wages then either).

From what we were told, you give your tip to the DM and the DM will split the tip with all others that are working on the boat, captain included. If you tip seperately, money to the DM, money to the Assistant, money to whoever is working, the dm is still going to split if the others don't state that they also received a tip. BTW, the DM is not the person that told me this.

As for tipping wait staff, if we didn't tip our wait staff they are going to go home poor and eventually go to work at McDonalds, because they make a MUCH better wage there, without having to worry about tips.

If I want great service while making an electronic purchase, or furniture purchase, car purchase...whatever, I will go to a location that has employees working on commission. I am going to get much better service, they are going to sell me something that I will be happy with, because if I am not happy, I will return it and the commission that they just made is going to come back out of the paycheck they would receive.

If I don't want to tip on a dive boat I can always do shore dives, help myself.

Each country has a different view on tipping, but what we need to remember is the country that we are visiting may not have the view that we are familiar with, but to be a good tourist we need to adjust to that countries views. If I went to a Muslim country, I would not sit down to dine and ask for pork, this is an example, please be polite if you quote this. If I am in Mexico I know that the wages are barely enough to live on and understand that they survive on tips.

All that said, we have taken fishing charters and the crew smoked pot while out, helped us LOSE fish, and we came home with nothing. Did we tip? Yep, but not much.
I completed my OW course on a liveaboard in Australia. I was brand new to diving and it never even cossed my mind to tip. Mind you, it was also never mentioned and there was no tip jar around. However, when I later learned more about tipping for dive trips (probably here on SB :wink: I felt so bad that I hadn't tipped that great crew in Aus. So now I do my homework. When we went to Maui we brought just enough cash along on the boat for the tip. I needn't have worried about whether it was expected there. Not only did they put out the tip jar, but they went on about it. We thought that was rather tacky (but yes, we still tipped well since the service was terrific that day). Personally I think if the crew expects/hopes for tips, then they should put a jar in clear view and leave it at that. Their service should speak for itself. However, if there's no where for us to place our money anonymously then they better not expect us to hand it to them. Just my opinion.
Another thing I want to mention that I believe was asked at the start, is regarding tipping for instructors (and DMs - doing classes as opposed to boat trips). I've been working with classes for 2 years and we certainly never expect it. It's just not the norm (here at least), and I'm fine with that despite only making a small amount of money. I do it part time for the enjoyment though, and not to survive. In fact, when one private class tried to tip another DM and I, we were almost embarrassed and graciously declined (only for them to leave the tips for us with the shop anyway)

I think that when we travel (as divers or not), it's our responsibility as travellers to investigate what the protocol is on tipping for the country we're visiting (and we should certainly know it for our own country!) and tip accordingly. I'm not saying if they we should give great tips if the service is lousy. On the contrary. To do so only promotes continued poor service from that person(s).

Oh... and here in Canada beer is sometimes used as a tip :wink: ...no, not in restaurants or on dive trips, but if you get special service and a good deal from someone outside of the usual tipped professions, it's sometimes done... like to a mechanic for example.. and once my vet fixed up a barn cat, and since it wasn't even one of my cats, he didn't charge me (because he's just that kinda guy) ...so I brought him a case of beer... but.. umm... please don't bring Canadians that American beer! :eek: ...just teasin' y'all Americans out there... :) Don't beat me up! ...but someone mentioned something earlier about different nationalities and the way they tip... and I think that's crap. I worked as a waitress many years ago and we servers tried to analyze who tipped best... by nationality, or gender... smokers/non-smokers... drinkers.. singles/couples, families... and you know, people are people and there are no hard and fast rules. Sometimes the one who was so pleasant and you gave fabulous service to would totally stiff you... and sometimes you'd have a table where everything would go wrong... and you'd still get a good tip. Go figure.. maybe they saw you were just having a bad day. At lot of it it just about attitude.
If I want great service while making an electronic purchase, or furniture purchase, car purchase...whatever, I will go to a location that has employees working on commission. I am going to get much better service,

see...I don't agree. They have an incentive to "close the deal", not give you good advice. Like realtors.... I don't understand why people think this. Now...they might be superficially "nicer" to you, but their only incentive is to consumate the transaction.
Just my opinion. Here on Oahu, the "service" stores for electronics have the WORST return policies...they take the commission, then you have to ship things to the mainland for warranties. I stick to Costco! Those guys never lie.

I refuse to worry about who splits what with who, because it varies so much and if I am on vacation that is not what I want to be pondering. Five dollars a tank sounds good--that is usually 20 dollars for a couple times number of days. I prefer to do it early in the dive, like in the morning!
I had an interesting experience last weekend at a local "tough spot" to dive (because of the entry/exit to the beach itself).

My local dive shop organizes weekly guided shore dives for free and they will have a DM at the site and possibly some cool drinks and snacks. This past weekend they had a shore dive at a difficult-to-reach local site which required walking 300 yards w/ gear through a forest trail and then down some steep boulders to get to the site. It took 3 or 4 trips each way to get all the gear there for each person (including the DM). They had not just a DM but also an Asst. Instructor there to watch over everyone and it was a really big help when coming out of the water after the 2nd dive because the tide was lower and the surge was strong and we had to exit onto rocks. I wouldn't have been able to get out of the water w/o the extra hands helping to pull me out and keep me steady.

I was REALLY impressed w/ the level of care for a FREE event provided by the folks from the dive shop, but I was really shocked when later on at the dive shop (where they organize a FREE BBQ on Sat's after the dives) that when I tried to give a $20 to the DM and Asst. Instructor each, they wouldn't take it!!! I was shocked! So.... I tried to NOT be cheap.... Granted, I know my local shop is not the norm in the industry but I was really shocked they wouldn't take the cash... (Heck, I work as an IT Consultant and I had a rather well-off client give me a $40 tip the next day and I had no problem accepting it)
$10 per person, per 2 tank dive is about right. So for a couple doing a 2 tank dive, a $20 tip is acceptable. At least to me, and I live off my tips.

Here in the Bahamas a bag of Lays costs $5.75, a can of soda $2.00, and a 16 load container of Tide...............$22.00. (All American $$).

I deliver excellent customer service and help to any of our divers, regardless of personality or attitude. I just smile and do what I have to, and after all....I load thier gear, set it up, change tanks between dives, help them on and off the boat, rinse and hang thier gear for them, and help with any issues that occur underwater (weighting, out of air, etc). I also get to play tour guide (land and underwater) as well as travel consultant (what to do, where to eat, etc)

I don't expect tips, but they are nice and really show how appreciative people are of the service I provide.

Mike Rushton
PADI DM 174448
Here in the Bahamas a bag of Lays costs $5.75, a can of soda $2.00, and a 16 load container of Tide...............$22.00. (All American $$).

Damn.. And I thought the Boston-area was insanely expensive.... But seriously, while I know the Bahamas are technically a foreign country, they rely so much on supplies from the US I didn't think their final retail mark-ups would be that bad.....

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