Tipping - how much and are we cheap

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but...a tip is not the regular wages..it's so that if you want "extra" you have a way to get it, isn't it?

when I take care of myself (yes sometimes) I don't want to tip that much. When I want something extra or special, it is very convenient for there to be a system in place where I don't have to feel bad about being an inconvenience. Like...if I am alone and cannot physically handle all my stuff, for example.

I like things just the way they are. The "cheap" people naturally end up with the "lazy" people and things really end up being pretty fair. The guys that want to hustle look around for ways to be extra helpful to people that are willing to tip.
When I am self-sufficient and on a tight budget and no one is really doing much for me...I don't want to fork over twenties on a daily basis. One reason I have never really cared for high end hotels, was I don't like the nuisance of having to think about the guy who called the cab, the guy who opens the door, and brings me the car, the consierge, the lady that wants in to turn the bed down, it just takes too much attention, and I would rather do it myself. Sometimes you want service, and sometimes you don't.
If your DM is not at least helping you with your gear and getting in and out of the boat, find a new boat to dive with. If he or she assists with other items that may include but not be limited to weighting, getting you a tank as you forgot a fill, fixing that leaking o-ring, cleaning your gear on deck, cleaning your puke and finally regardless of everything, cleaning the boat and toilet. If you consider that DM's are the lowest on the payment ladder and work the hardest in my mind they deserve a good tip if the deserved it.
I'm sorry, but in my humble (or not so humble) opinion, people that don't tip (or under tip) are just cheap, tight-wads. There I go, mincing words again. hahaaa...Again though, I always get great service everywhere I go that I am known, and where I am not known, I become known quickly and get great service...for those people "getting over" by taking services and not tipping, you need to know that most "service jobs" take the fact that they include tips into account, and therefore some of these jobs don't even make minimum wage. Make believe it's your mother or sister or brother working in that job and take that person's best and don't tip? Very bad form, and bad karma as well...most of these cheapos say "well, I don't get a tip for doing my job" and "I don't believe in tips" and things like that - just be honest - if you're a tightwad just admit it and move on...
there´s no LAW regarding tipping...i don´t get a tip for doing my job well, so why should anybody else. this nonsense about dive boat captains and the crew expecting tips and at a certain percentage or more, is total crap. same applies to waiters and waitresses for that matter. i hate having a mandatory tip factored into my total cost at a dive resort.
I'm sorry, but in my humble (or not so humble) opinion, people that don't tip (or under tip) are just cheap, tight-wads. There I go, mincing words again. hahaaa....

cowboyneal: You are not mincing words. There are many cheap tight wads about. They seem to be happy that they "stiff" some hard working person for 10-15%. Sad that so many seem to be our fellow divers. If you have received or expect good service, simply tip the fellow diver/good person who is helping you. Never failed me to date.
If you have received or expect good service, simply tip the fellow diver/good person who is helping you. Never failed me to date.

Perfectly put...
I tip very well thank-you...I just want it to be my perogative when and who and why.

I don't like it when people start setting percentages and rules of thumb.
I tip very well thank-you...I just want it to be my perogative when and who and why.

I don't like it when people start setting percentages and rules of thumb.

Good for you Catherine. There are no percentages etc. Good service = good tip. Very simple.
Okay, how about as a rule we won't tip the DM who has a nicer Rolex, a faster Porsche, and a bigger home than we do. I'll bet most DM would be tipped in this system (I hope so).

Oh, and by the way, those DM I tipped in Grand Cayman have now followed me home and live in a tent in my back yard. I guess you can tip too much.
cowboyneal: You are not mincing words. There are many cheap tight wads about. They seem to be happy that they "stiff" some hard working person for 10-15%. Sad that so many seem to be our fellow divers. If you have received or expect good service, simply tip the fellow diver/good person who is helping you. Never failed me to date.

I agree.

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