Mike Walker
This is not a good approach. The impact of solving that problem must also be considered, ohterwise you end up trying to "bail our your boat with a teaspoon." What you are really trying to do is look at every potential action in terms if its impact AND its difficulty; then you look for those actions that are BOTH high impact and low difficulty, then you consider those that are high-impact and high-difficulty, then you possibly consider those that are low impact. YOu never bother with thos that are low impact and high diffculty.
The point is, that tackling problems just because they are easy is a poor practice, and possilby wased effort/resources.
I didn't say it was an exclusive approach - I simply offered the other side of the conversation.
So many posts above that try to make big issues out of little so as to declare any action impossible.
"Some of you may die, but that's a risk I'm willing to take" - L. Farquaad
It's frustrating.