Okay, show of hands:
How many folks think that there's
a BIT more to life than diving ? :11: Okay, maybe not a lot more, but a
Okay, I see a few hands going up...not everyone, but a few.
I think those of us with our hands raised probably like to
plan our precious weekends in advance, using whatever means we have. By all means, feel free to call it
worry if that boats your float....
Gives us a way for guys like me to decide between:
- Go to bed real early Saturday nite so we can wake up at 5am on Sunday
- Make 3 hour round trip to the beach (yeah, some of us have to do that...)
- Possibly be greeted by predicted 5 ft swells and 5ft visibility, mixed with a bacterial soup from recent runoff
- Head back home
- Take my honey dancing and carousing Saturday nite (guaranteed good fun)
- Stay up much later than my mom would ever have allowed in high school :11:
- Wake up around noon on Sunday, and have one of them incredibly groovy lazy days with my honey (guaranteed really good fun )
And hey, if it turns out to be a wonderful day of diving, well, that's life
I've got a wonderful consolation prize