The Terri Schiavo Case

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We are diffinately screwed up in America. Scott Peterson is sentenced to death by lethal injection. He will spend years on death row making appeals for a stay of execution. During that time he will be sucking up millions of dollars of taxpayer's money for legal costs.

When I am king. We will give Terri Schavio the lethal injection and we will let Scott Peterson starve to death.

after thinking about it for a second... it would be more better to give Terri the injection because it's "more" humane. I am sure someone will chime in to tell me how bad it really is, but for the sake of discussion I understand your point.
If being in a "persistant vegetative state" is punishable by death, most of the members of Congress and many who post on this forum are in a heap of trouble.

I think it's funny that Senators and such don't even have to show up for work... if I didn't show up for work I would be fired.
I don't know much about law other than it's pretty confusing. For instance, it's legal for a woman to kill a fetus within her because it isn't a person? yet if some one else kills it they can be convicted of murder? Is it a person or not and is it or isn't it ok to to kill it? Based on the first premis I suppose the best you should be able to do would be to call it theft?

When do we feed people? when they can't use their own hands to put the food in their mout? When they can't use their own mouth to ask for it? When they are unable to chew and swallow? When they are unable to pay for the food?

How do we decide whether or a not a persons life is worth living to them? I wonder if some one like Bill Gates would think my near pennyless, soon to be unemployed life is worth living. If a person can't tell us what's on their mind do we assume the answer would be nothing? or everything?

I'm pretty sure that I no longer know what our society or our laws define as marriage. I do know that my comitment to my wife and my obligation to honor it isn't dependant on her ability to fulfil any of my needs. I remember saying something like "til death do us part" and not "until you're not doing what I'd like you to do".

On the other hand I think we could find both legal and scriptural grounds for devorce in the case of adultary. So...I think this lady should have her own representation and the first thing her lawyer should do on her behalf is to sue for devorce on the grounds of adultery hence relieving her so-called husband of any responsibility or decision making authority. Jimminy cricket! what if she did wake up tomarrow morning and jump out of bed ready to go her husband? Sorry...that he aint. There's too many unanswered questions and allegations...the broken bones, denied treatment from the start ect. We don't know who's intentions are where but one side is trying to kll her and the other is trying to keep her alive and get her the treatment that some doctors say could help her.
There's a difference between being alive and living. We both have living wills. I wouldn't want my family to butt in my and my husbands business.

Does your living will say anything about what roll your husbands live-in girl freind or the children they have together would have in your business?
I have no kids so it is very hard for me to put myself in the position of her parents. I am a huge animal lover and my pets to me are my kids. Anyone who is as much of a pet lover as I am knows that there is the same bond to these family members as there are to kids. I recently had to put one of my beloved babies down to prevent any more suffering. So you can guess where I stand on her parents.

I've had animals all my life and kids for almost 20 years. I don't believe there is any way to even come close to comparing the bond to a child to that of a pet.
back around...

maybe the issue is, when a person can't make decisions for herself, who will?

that is to say, a whole nation can't chime in on whether it's right or wrong.
that's not up to *us* to decide. that's up to Terri's legal guardian and
her doctors.

several judges have said this. this is the issue:

who decides when you can't decide for yourself and didn't leave a living will.

who would YOU like to decide? your legal guardian and your doctors? some
judges? Congress? the President of the US?

i can tell you who *I* would want to decide.
back around...

maybe the issue is, when a person can't make decisions for herself, who will?

that is to say, a whole nation can't chime in on whether it's right or wrong.
that's not up to *us* to decide. that's up to Terri's legal guardian and
her doctors.

several judges have said this. this is the issue:

who decides when you can't decide for yourself and didn't leave a living will.

who would YOU like to decide? your legal guardian and your doctors? some
judges? Congress? the President of the US?

i can tell you who *I* would want to decide.

The judges are out, especially the supreme court, because they too often vote along party lines and I think the democrates would surely kill me. LOL

I don't have a guardian right now but if I need one who appoints them? The judges? I'm doomed. I think we need another choice.
I wouldn't care who does. If my cerebral cortex were totally destroyed, I wouldn't care about much would I :)
I'll try to make it short. Today Terri - because as Baltimoron said - she is a plant (which BTW is not true plants do have feelings so how do you know she doesn't?). Then let's take one step more - kids with the Down syndrom. After all they never live longer than 20 years or so....
So let's take one more step forward - Jews, Gypsies...and - we are back at the mid XXth century. Who is to decide why this life can be taken and the other can't? And what guarantees we all have (taking into the consideration the history in fact there are no guarantees) that this will not go as far as my black scenario?
So forgeting for a moment about religion - these are my main reasons why I'm against. May go much too far. We have seen this hapenning in my part of the world.
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