The Terri Schiavo Case

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Cop out, SP is the best :wink:
Well, you could always ask God, directly. That is called prayer.

God might or might not answer you. Some people have claimed that He speaks to them, while others have claimed that He speaks to no one anymore.

If He doesn't answer you, then you are left on square one.

If he does answer you, then you have a huge problem on your hands. Then you would be a prophet, and as the Bible tells us, most prophets end up getting stoned, and are never listened to anyway. And you would alternatively quite probably be arrested and committed in a state mental institution. Because when God speaks to you, and you tell anyone about it, that is normally called schizophrenia.

All kidding aside, there is a new movie out, CONSTANTINE (Rated R for horror), that delves into the issue of God and Satan having agreed on terms of "no direct contact" with humankind during mortal life. At least, that is how it seems, most of the time anyway. :)

May God bless you, for at least thinking of Him!

(By the way, if God does answer you, then I want to shake your hand! Because that would make you an extremely unusual and important person, at least in the eyes of God! Sort of like Moses, or St. Paul the Apostle, or even the Virgin Mary.)

So we have new members to SB, look at the post counts. 9 & 12 and already into heated debates on what they think is right and they aint even DIR :wink: . Can you say TROLL.

and just wanted to play in the Special Olympics. :) My previous post merely stated the First Amendment and the consequential interpretation from the language itself. I haven't taken any position yet.
and just wanted to play in the Special Olympics. :) My previous post merely stated the First Amendment and the consequential interpretation from the language itself. I haven't taken any position yet.
Well then, my mistake. Welcome to SB. Do you dive? What is your training? And what level? (not that that matters). Where have you dived?
The religious argument would likely be to keep her fed no matter what her will or anyone else's said. These organizations normally support only pro-life alternatives for any complex issue, such as euthanasia, abortion, or even contraception.
A few weeks ago I was wondering what would happen if the Pope went on life support. Who would make the call on pulling his plug and what would be done in the interim if he were in a persistent vegative state? It would have led to some interesting and enlightened discussions on the issue I think, rather than a party line pro-life stance.
OK, I found this article here that sounds a little proposturous to me. I might be getting mixed up in the laymen jargon, but from what I get from it, the parents are trying to get the state AND the federal government to act at the same time. What is the legality of this? Can somebody clear this up for me?

But I am more interested in the red bullet points at the bottom. These are the arguments that the Schindlers made in Terri's favour. These sound a little too far fetched to me. Do these really count for a person with PVS?

P.S.: Anybody ever seen the movie Dogma? Did Terri Schiavo happen to have an affection for skee-ball?
"Oh my God, I'm begging you, don't let my daughter die of thirst".
Terri's mother.
Ok - I've stayed quiet on this one, but I do have to throw one thing out there. I looked into having a living will to save my family a situation like this if it were to occur. Most lawyers I spoke to said they are barely worth the paper they are written on. They are a directive that states the person's wishes, there really isn't a legal leg to stand on with them. If the family wishes to ignore those wishes - then the living will is only worth the paper it's printed on.

So basically - if Terri had a living will - I doubt it would have resolved this situation.

Personally - I hope my family would pull the plug on me (by either removing ventilators or feeding tubes) and save themselves the grief. I'm not worth crying over if I'm not there anyway. I only want to live until I die. Terri isn't living.
to me there are two signifigant issues. has it been proven shes in a perminant vegitative state? i think the answer is no. you have video showing her being responsive, you have drs saying shes responsive, and you have both nurses and drs saying she could be rehabilitated.

the second issue is why the husband waited several years to express his 'wifes' non interest in life saving methods. seems a bit fishy to me.

as for me personally, i have an advance directive that covered most situations. i've since amended it to cover this type of situation. death by starvation is not pleasant, and not somthing im interested in undergoing, so i've excluded the provision of food and water as things that are deniable.
A very emotional topic. I've spent my first 18 years living with my parents and have spent the last 14 with my wife. My relationship with my parents has been shaky at best and my wife is my life. Who should have more say when it comes to my life. Personally I would not want my parents making decisions on my behalf. I have shared my most intimate times and darkest secerts with my wife and not with my parents. My wife knows me best.
First off I don't believe a friggin word that is spewed across the news. They manipulate stories and publish things that sell and don't care about facts or who they may step on. So I consider that I know little about the case because I've only watched the news and have no personal knowledge of the case.
If I were to be in Terri's husband's position I could honestly say that I too would seek the emotional comfort of another female. This does not mean I don't love my wife it means that there is something that needs to be filled. I'm not proud to say this but at the same time I'm not so hollier than thou to pretend that I wouldn't.
I have no kids so it is very hard for me to put myself in the position of her parents. I am a huge animal lover and my pets to me are my kids. Anyone who is as much of a pet lover as I am knows that there is the same bond to these family members as there are to kids. I recently had to put one of my beloved babies down to prevent any more suffering. So you can guess where I stand on her parents.
If I was Terri I'd be one pissed off chick. I'd be the only one out there that knows the truth. I'd also be extremely pissed that family members that I loved were fighting amongst themselves. I'd also be pissed that I wasn't let go much, much earlier. Lying in a hospital bed not being able to speak, eat, drink, go to the can, move is not living. That is nothing but cruel. When I did die I'd haunt the SOB that was responsible for prolonging my misery. I call it misery because there is no argument that there is no quality of life. Without quality of life I consider that misery.
Leaving the idea of religion, ethics, and emotion at the door. What is the purpose of keeping her alive?
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