The Terri Schiavo Case

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I totally disagree. Where did you get this information?

i think he's talking about conservative Judaism
by the way, i want to take a moment to congratulate all the posters to this
thread for discussing such a difficult and emotional subject so well.

i am impressed at how civil this discussion has been, and how personal attacks
have been avoided.

*we now return you to the thread*
DA Aquamaster:
As for the hubby, how long is a spouse expected to exist in what amounts to an emotional coma? It's easy for the self righteous among us to condemn him for his actions but I am not aware of any of us who ever had to have a spouse in a coma for seven years, let alone fifteen. "Judge not lest you be judged" sounds like pertinent advice here.

DA, you're quite right here and I stand guilty of doing just that. Thanks for reminding me. :)

This is a very difficult situation for all of the folks involved and God help them.

by the way, i want to take a moment to congratulate all the posters to this
thread for discussing such a difficult and emotional subject so well.

i am impressed at how civil this discussion has been, and how personal attacks
have been avoided.

*we now return you to the thread*

I too thought this would be a mushroom cloud, as it is religious as well as political, and I was going to suggest in the beginning we not go here.

But here we are and everythings cool :dot:
I also heard that someone offered the husband a large settlement just to turn over the decision making rights to her parents. He refused. I can't help but wonder if he isn't afraid she might come out of it.

And for the so often misquoted passage about judging others. The context speaks of hypocritical judgment. We are encouraged and even commanded to judge righteously according to God's standard.

AS has been stated here though, if the ability to feed oneself is the determining factor we will have to do away with all the Quadriplegics as well.

imo, without a livng will there is no choice but to keep her fed.
You cover your opinions quite extensively as always DA.

But what if Terri's husband caused her condition? He had a record of abuse.

Wouldn't it be convienent for him if she could never accuse him of that? If she dies, so does the witness.

What about the alegations that he may have tryed to kill her while she was in the hospital. There is an avidata (sp) from a nurse that sure sounds like he was trying to kill her by injecting her with insulin (sp).

"Other" doctors have also spoken out and have said she is NOT in persistent vegitable state

If Terri's parent's wishes can be trumped by this guy and all the uncertainty, there goes the saying "blood is thicker than water"
imo, without a livng will there is no choice but to keep her fed.

The religious argument would likely be to keep her fed no matter what her will or anyone else's said. These organizations normally support only pro-life alternatives for any complex issue, such as euthanasia, abortion, or even contraception. Therefore, Mr. Preacher, I suspect your viewpoint is influenced. Not that there is anything wrong with that, only that it is indeed influenced.

Judges however are sworn to decide based on the federal and state constitutions and on the statutory written law. And they need to cite their basis for their decisions. And this is what becomes then subject to review by higher courts, in the same manner, based on the same criteria.
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