The Terri Schiavo Case

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After hearing about this poor woman for about half my life now, I hope that one way or another a decision is made and it is finally out of the news.

I completely agree that this is painful to view and hear on the news.

Personally, I am not comfortable with the husband's decision. I would expect a sincere person to defer to the wishes of his in-laws in a matter like this, since his wife is in fact their daughter. If I were on a jury, that is what would guide my own vote.

But I am glad that I am not a judge, who must rule on the whole legal issue. Imagine the moral dilemma? Imagine the protestors on your front lawn as well?
While I feel terrible for both sides of the family, what this really says is that each and every one of us needs to have their wishes put in writing and witnessed. There are a couple of different documents, and your doctor should have them available (probably for free).

Fill it out, sign it and make sure your doctor, lawyer and spouse has a copy.

Whether you want to live or die under any particular circumstances is entirely your decision, as long as you're here. Once you're hosed and people are left guessing what you want, they may not guess right.

The religious argument would likely be to keep her fed no matter what her will or anyone else's said. These organizations normally support only pro-life alternatives for any complex issue, such as euthanasia, abortion, or even contraception. Therefore, Mr. Preacher, I suspect your viewpoint is influenced. Not that there is anything wrong with that, only that it is indeed influenced.

Judges however are sworn to decide based on the federal and state constitutions and on the statutory written law. And they need to cite their basis for their decisions. And this is what becomes then subject to review by higher courts, in the same manner, based on the same criteria.

And your opinion isn't influenced? When judges here in the United States start referring to International laws, or opinions, they are influenced. The U.S. is a sovereign nation. When our judges are influenced by foreign laws, foresaking our constitution, we have judicial tyranny. This our our country and our laws, and there is no "Seperation of Church and State" clause in our Constitution, go read it.
I have wrestled with posting this question.

How do we know if God in His infinite wisdom, hasn't decided it is time to bring Terri home? If it was man's doing she would have died the moment her feeding tube was removed - only God will know when she takes her final breath.

And your opinion isn't influenced? When judges here in the United States start referring to International laws, or opinions, they are influenced. The U.S. is a sovereign nation. When our judges are influenced by foreign laws, foresaking our constitution, we have judicial tyranny. This our our country and our laws, and there is no "Seperation of Church and State" clause in our Constitution, go read it.

It also troubles me when American judges refer to international law as a basis for their decisions. You are clearly referring to the U.S. Supreme Court's recent ruling that to execute murderers who were under 18 at the time they committed their crimes is unconstitutional.

I do not agree with the logic of the majority of the court in this matter, and there were also dissenting justices in the split decision.

But what a split decision does tell me is that professional judges see the issue as one that is most complex with no easy answers. I do not believe that it is right to second guess them, however. We are at best amateurs at the law. They are professionals. I disagree with their opinion in this matter, but we should all respect it. I agree with the dissenting minority, but under American law it is the majority on the court that rules.

My own legal research on the definition of what was meant by cruel and unusual by the founders of the U.S. Constitution was that it specifically was referring to the English practice of drawing and quartering. Go look that one up. It is too gruesome to discuss here. The moderators would get extremely upset at the details.

My own historic research on the role of religion in the founding of the American Constitution was that the founders truly intended to preserve freedom of choice for all Americans for religion, and to keep church rules like those of the Church of England out of American government. That seems clear from the plain language of the First Amendment. Subsequent amendments apply the federal amendments to the states in full force as well.

There is a lot of talk about God in the Declaration of Independence. But that seems to be because the founders were each truly praying that their bourgeois Freemason tax revolution would succede against the King of England, the most powerful man on the earth at that time, because if not they would certainly all hang from the gallows for high treason. I have read a lot. You do not need to tell me to go read. It's too bad we do not agree.

Words and prayers subtly crafted into the Declaration are no reasonable justification to go back to a church-and-state policy like that of pre-revolutionary England, which arrested and executed nobility and commoners alike for religious reasons alone. At least, in my view, it would make no sense, at all.
I have wrestled with posting this question.

How do we know if God in His infinite wisdom, hasn't decided it is time to bring Terri home? If it was man's doing she would have died the moment her feeding tube was removed - only God will know when she takes her final breath.

We don't know, nobody knows. And may her final breath be way into the future.
I have wrestled with posting this question.

How do we know if God in His infinite wisdom, hasn't decided it is time to bring Terri home? If it was man's doing she would have died the moment her feeding tube was removed - only God will know when she takes her final breath.


Well, you could always ask God, directly. That is called prayer.

God might or might not answer you. Some people have claimed that He speaks to them, while others have claimed that He speaks to no one anymore.

If He doesn't answer you, then you are left on square one.

If he does answer you, then you have a huge problem on your hands. Then you would be a prophet, and as the Bible tells us, most prophets end up getting stoned, and are never listened to anyway. And you would alternatively quite probably be arrested and committed in a state mental institution. Because when God speaks to you, and you tell anyone about it, that is normally called schizophrenia.

All kidding aside, there is a new movie out, CONSTANTINE (Rated R for horror), that delves into the issue of God and Satan having agreed on terms of "no direct contact" with humankind during mortal life. At least, that is how it seems, most of the time anyway. :)

May God bless you, for at least thinking of Him!

(By the way, if God does answer you, then I want to shake your hand! Because that would make you an extremely unusual and important person, at least in the eyes of God! Sort of like Moses, or St. Paul the Apostle, or even the Virgin Mary.)
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The First Amendment essentially states that Congress cannot pass any laws either promoting or prohibiting religion - thereby, separating any entanglement between the two.

And your opinion isn't influenced? When judges here in the United States start referring to International laws, or opinions, they are influenced. The U.S. is a sovereign nation. When our judges are influenced by foreign laws, foresaking our constitution, we have judicial tyranny. This our our country and our laws, and there is no "Seperation of Church and State" clause in our Constitution, go read it.
So we have new members to SB, look at the post counts. 9 & 12 and already into heated debates on what they think is right and they aint even DIR :wink: . Can you say TROLL.
So we have new members to SB, look at the post counts. 9 & 12 and already into heated debates on what they think is right. Can you say TROLL.

No. Actually I wanted to find out more about Athens Greece scuba.

But some of these discussions are extremely irresistible.

My general view on anything is simply this: go with ScubaPro! And everything else are just footnotes to Plato.
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