The Terri Schiavo Case

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The funny thing is that if we withheld food and water from Al-queida prisoners, killers, terrorist etc there would be a HUGE uproar!!!!!

Not a fair comparision....Al-Quieda prisoners can eat on their own. Terry Schiavo can't she is basically being force fed. Your comparision is like saying we should have stuck a feeding tube in Ghandi.
I agree about the living will, hopefully the good thing that might come out of all this is that folks will take notice and prepare one.

So anyone who cant eat or drink on their own should be starved and dehydrated? If we are in a car accident for example and unable to eat or drink water by yourself should we be let die? Cause it will only take about a week.
It's been 15 years. How long do you go hoping for a miracle. People keep comparing apples and oranges. This lady is already dead. Right now there is no feeding tube in her. Now she can not survive without assistance. Who's to say what is right and what is wrong. What burns me is that people who could care less and others who should care are using this lady as a pawn. If this lady dies than there will be an uproar that will last for a short period of time. If they reinsert the feeding tube it will be news until the next big story comes along. When all said and done we will all forget about it and the only ones it ends up affecting are the ones that should be making her decisions for her. Everyone else should but out and mind there own business.
Set aside the Constitution, Church, living wills, his rights, the parents rights and all the other mumbo jumbo and at the end of the day you want to intentionally kill a living and breathing human being. That’s just plain wrong.

From a Buddhist or Confucian perspective, your statement is absolutely correct. These major faiths and philosophies place a high premium on all life, even plant life and animal life, not just human life.

The world-wide medical community disconnects vegetative victims all the time. There is no general issue about that. Of course, Buddhism and Confucianism would still find that to be inconsistent with universal harmony.

By saying "that's just plain wrong" then you are taking exception with the current status quo. The status quo is not at issue, therefore the statement is somewhat out of context.

It is fascinating that somehow you yourself have developed a Buddhist and/or Confucian world view. From your parents? From your friends? From your own readings?
We are diffinately screwed up in America. Scott Peterson is sentenced to death by lethal injection. He will spend years on death row making appeals for a stay of execution. During that time he will be sucking up millions of dollars of taxpayer's money for legal costs.

When I am king. We will give Terri Schavio the lethal injection and we will let Scott Peterson starve to death.

I told my doctor if I'm ever in a coma or have severe brain damage, and there's ever a question about what I'd want, that isn't covered in any of the various documents I filled out, to call the vet and get a second opinion.

I want the same humane, ethical, compassionate treatment the vet gave my dog when she couldn't get up off the floor or walk without pain. If the vet says "He had a good life, but it's time to go", I want the same big happy shot my dog got.

And if there are any questions on my opinion they can just google for it.

First off, this case is newsworth only because the parents are rich enough and politically connected enough to keep it in the news, courts and now in the legislatures. People in similar conditions are taken off artificial support every day.

I think most netwerks decide what's news worthy based on the predicted effect on ratings.
Both of the brothers Bush have signed deat orders so their argument that every life is precious and you should always error on the side of life is not only meaningless but is a deliberate LIE!

That's politicians for you.
Now, the moral and religious angle.
I am a recovering Catholic, a product of a Catholic grade school education where we were actually taught to think.

The teachings of the Church are seriously at odds with the teachings of Christ and are also logically flawed.

If it is interfering with Gods will to let someone die, or to kill them then it MUST also be against Gods will to artifically keep someone alive.

You can't have it both ways. Have the guts to make you choice and stick with it.

Catholic doctrin differs from scripture on several subjects, some of which are key aspects of the Christian faith, but I don't think this is one of them.

I don't see anything in scripture that suggests that helping some one, in any way, is interfering with Gods will. On the contrary, caring for each other seems high on our list of things to do.

If we were to look to scripture for an answer to this it would be simple. The husband would take care of his wife and put her needs before his own including refraining from adultary and things like that. Not easy to be sure.

If you have never been a caregiver for a disabled person then you don't know what it is like and you are in no position to judge Michael. So please just;

Many of us have spouses, parents, children ect and it's very likely that those of us who haven't been responsible for the care of a disabled person will be...or will be the disabled person or both. Maybe that's why this strikes such a nerve. As a parent, I pray that I am never forced to leave my daughters life in the hands of a husband who has already replaced her. I would certainly fight very hard just as these parents are doing.
I agree about the living will, hopefully the good thing that might come out of all this is that folks will take notice and prepare one.

So anyone who cant eat or drink on their own should be starved and dehydrated? If we are in a car accident for example and unable to eat or drink water by yourself should we be let die? Cause it will only take about a week.

Anyone that has asked not to be put on any kind of life support, has already choosen not to live in that state. Obviously, there is some sway here - if I'm out temporarily and things are looking up and there is a good chance of no brain damage then yes, hook me up. If I never recover - let me go - I won't know the difference.

Another thing - no autopsies - I don't CARE how I died.
... If we were to look to scripture for an answer to this it would be simple. The husband would take care of his wife and put her needs before his own including refraining from adultary and things like that. Not easy to be sure...

You are exactly right.

That is probably why the matter has attracted so much world-wide attention (it was on the BBC world news last night as well).
...Another thing - no autopsies - I don't CARE how I died.

It won't hurt you, Zboss. You won't feel a thing. And civilization might find out about some new and exotic disease that you died of. Like AIDS, or something like that. :)
As a parent, I pray that I am never forced to leave my daughters life in the hands of a husband who has already replaced her. I would certainly fight very hard just as these parents are doing.

I agree with you Mike as long as you are fighting for the best interests of your daughter and not in spite of the husband. I just don't feel the parents in this case are doing this for their daughters interests and instead for their own selfish reasons.
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