I want to address this notion. Yeah... I'm sure as an unknown diver you are gods gift to diving but that second reg you are packing is for me, not you. It's my regulator and reserve gas so I don't think I'm being a worry wart to want to ensure it's both functional and deployable. I will extend the same consideration by demonstrating both to you pre-dive.
Solo diving does not need to mean an erosion or mocking of solid buddy skills.
As long as diver that is diving solo...be it Eric, or me, or you, has the skills to do AIR SHARE with a single reg, and the diver that needs the donation is marginally competent as an advanced diver--the kind of diver that belongs on a charter boat doing some fairly challenging and advanced recreational dives....sharing the single reg just means a tiny bit of skip breathing, and a decision that the dive is over, and at least one person will be holding on to the other and controlling the air share---probably the one that is worse at skip breathing
I have done this under conditions far more challenging than any cave or tech scenario, with no difficulty whatsoever....you are just passing a reg back and forth--as long as both divers are good divers--neither is a panic prone diver ( which I consider a poor diver), then the passing of the single reg is fine for the kind of recreational profiles being discussed here....
Again, the long hose and necklace reg, are a development which at least my group ( WKPP and DIR's) adopted for team based diving in cave, or serious deep tech dives....places and challenges that the single hose sharing was not the right tool for. Since DIR has us diving the same gear, everywhere we go ( other than the doubles versus singles), most of us just always use the 2 hose system....But this is not because we could not share air with 2 divers ( with DIR skill sets) each using vintage gear and single regs....we could still easily handle our buddy responsibilities for recreational profiles like this....we would NOT be diving DIR, but "DIR always", does not have to be your defining claim to fame
I can easily see George Irvine jumping over the side of a sportfish boat off key largo, in 40 feet of water, with a tank on a harness, a single reg and mask and fins, just to checkout something on the bottom that got the boat interested.
---------- Post added March 12th, 2015 at 12:28 PM ----------
As I think about it....put Jarrod Jablonski on a sportfish or cruising yacht...and if an anchor is caught in 60 feet or reasonable recreational depth, and there is a single tank set up with single reg on it....I am pretty sure JJ would be happy enough to deal with the anchor snag using the gear available. Something tells me he has the skill set, and I don't think he would be afraid of the DIR police