The Mis-Adventures of my AOW class- READ!

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Not the type to shy from confrontations are ya!? This would be great to hear from all sides - would it not?
Shy??? What's that??? They take that out your last year of law school.

I do not usually take such a strong position. However, I am sick and tired of hearing about so-called professionals who neglect their students and act surprised when the poo-poo hits the rotating inclined plane.

I also believe in a fair opportunity for all sides to be heard. Finally, I would love to hear the explanation.
If I am ever in need I may have to look you up? I like your style! Let's hope that instructor is game.
We are putting an Isle of Shoals trip together as we speak, go visit the thread on the "Trips" board
Originally posted by Northeastwrecks
I would love to debate hear your instructor's side of this debacle. Any chance he would like to cross swords on the Board?

I have been purposly avoiding mentioning any names of instructors or LDS. The dive community is small enough as is and at this point in time, my inexperience requires me to keep good faith with those I will need to deal with as I grow and learn more about diving.

That may be irresponsible on my part, but the purpose of my story is not to discourage anyone from dealing with any particular instructor or LDS. What I am trying to get across to everyone is that you must take responsiblity for yourself and be EXTRA careful when making deep dives.

I am not sure what my instructor would say about this. I have yet to mention anything to anyone other than this board that I may have gotten bent over the weekend. In fact, I probably will not mention anything to anyone, else they may try to avoid diving with me in the future thinking I am a bad diver... :(

The story was interesting, messed up, but interesting. The first thing I thought of when you describe your aches and pains is that you most likely have DCS. Have you thought about calling DAN? Granted, I do not have my AOW card (start this Sunday), but seems to me that in all of my reading, a pony bottle is never mentioned as necessary for recreational back-up. Did I miss that somewhere?:confused:

Did you check out the dive shop before you took their course. Funny how we shop for doctors and dentists and ask friends for referrals to real estate agents, but what about the guys who have your live in your hands underwater?

I agree, rental equipment sucks. Hence, I work a bunch of overtime so I can own my own. Still, mine may malfunction and I keep that in the back of my mind. I feel lucky, though, cause the instructor I have is a Master Dive Instructor who certified my wife, which was a miracle in itself since she had a near drowning accident in Galveston "x" number of years ago. To see her get certified and watch the patience he had with her throughout the course was fantastic. He and I became friends to boot. My point is to learn about your instructors and get recommendations before allowing them to drown you.:)

Man, I can't wait to get wet on Sunday!!:bounce:
Originally posted by ScubaCRNA
The story was interesting, messed up, but interesting. The first thing I thought of when you describe your aches and pains is that you most likely have DCS. Have you thought about calling DAN? Granted, I do not have my AOW card (start this Sunday), but seems to me that in all of my reading, a pony bottle is never mentioned as necessary for recreational back-up. Did I miss that somewhere?:confused:

On Monday morning, I contacted DAN regarding the symptoms I had. They did refer me to a physician. Both the physician and my general doctor said the symptoms were quite suspicious and based on my weekends activity was most likely a case of DCS. I still find it hard to believe I was hit with DCS, but I am not a doctor so I must go on their recommendation.

As for my AOW. I went through the same LDS for OW but had a different instructor. I will say that my OW instructor probably would have paid more attention to my diving.

As for a pony bottle. It was not something recommended by the LDS or the instructor. In fact it was frowned upon by the LDS and considered something "unecessary".


I hope everything reconciles itself, and you will have many fun years of diving ahead!

I wanted to post regardingyour comment that you can only rely on yourself...

IMHO, your attentive, equipped and responsible buddy is the most important "redundant system" you can have on a dive.

A buddy who is not responsive to signals, or in this case, is not checking in with you VERY often is NOT a buddy!

This is the kind of experience that leads to the solo diving discussions...

So often you hear of disasters striking divers that don't use the buddy system.

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