the great zeagle giveaway

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clive francis:
the legality and the outcome of the draw could be deemed void, or putting it another way, every non us or ca entrant could take legal action and would have a claim to one of the prizes as they could have won it had their names been put in as they were led to believe.

it doesn't take a barrister or lawyer to work it out
Clive, quit whining :wink: and read the sweepstakes rules: It cleary states who can enter.

The Great Zeagle Giveaway Contest (the "Sweepstakes" or "Contest") is offered and open to legal residents of United States and its territories and Canada (except residents of Quebec)...By entering, you agree to these Official Rules."

If you entered the contest as a citizen of a country other than the US or Canada, YOU broke the rules.

Further information posted on scubaboard:
" and Zeagle systems have teamed up to bring you an exciting and free contest this February. We will be giving away several great prizes including a brand new Stiletto BCD (grand prize), Signal Inflators, Polo Shirts and more! To participate in this contest simply register at . Entering is quick, easy and painless and best of all you have nothing to loose and a BCD to win! Both members and non-members of ScubaBoard are welcomed to come participate this in contest!
If you have questions about this contest please contact an administrator or post them here."

And finally from the same thread:
"Sorry Kim, complying with varrious laws of other countries is a problem with promotions like this, as is shipping. I will double check to see if there is any way we can work within these limitations but for now it's US/CA only."

Pretty simple to me.

I fully agree it stinks that the entire scubaboard community can not enter, but rules are rules. Being able to enter the contest would be nice, but they are giving away ONE $500 BC. It's not the end of the world. Sheesh.

Have pint and quit worring about this insignificant stuff!

Hey Clive: In some ways I agree that maybe it could have been a bit clearer from the outset, but I'm sure that it wasn't meant maliciously. As others have said, it is clear enough in the rules.
I'm not sure where Zeagle sells it's stuff. Can you buy their products in Europe? If I would actually win it in Japan I'd probably have to go a very long way for any kind of service issues!
Now, if I could just get rid of that red advert on the side of my screen that constantly reminds me......that'd be cool! :eyebrow:
Clive, quit whining :wink: and read the sweepstakes rules: It cleary states who can enter.

The Great Zeagle Giveaway Contest (the "Sweepstakes" or "Contest") is offered and open to legal residents of United States and its territories and Canada (except residents of Quebec)...By entering, you agree to these Official Rules."

If you entered the contest as a citizen of a country other than the US or Canada, YOU broke the rules.

Further information posted on scubaboard:
" and Zeagle systems have teamed up to bring you an exciting and free contest this February. We will be giving away several great prizes including a brand new Stiletto BCD (grand prize), Signal Inflators, Polo Shirts and more! To participate in this contest simply register at . Entering is quick, easy and painless and best of all you have nothing to loose and a BCD to win! Both members and non-members of ScubaBoard are welcomed to come participate this in contest!
If you have questions about this contest please contact an administrator or post them here."

And finally from the same thread:
"Sorry Kim, complying with varrious laws of other countries is a problem with promotions like this, as is shipping. I will double check to see if there is any way we can work within these limitations but for now it's US/CA only."

Pretty simple to me.

I fully agree it stinks that the entire scubaboard community can not enter, but rules are rules. Being able to enter the contest would be nice, but they are giving away ONE $500 BC. It's not the end of the world. Sheesh.

Have pint and quit worring about this insignificant stuff!

quit whining?, sheesh?

well as you put it so politely...............richard head

this site is not only visited by US and CA residents it is international (you know the rest of the world).

and unless you clearly state on the front page so you don't have to follow a thread to find the small print on another page people will try and enter!

if you are going to do a job do it right, otherwise don't complain when people complain about the quality!!
clive francis:
quit whining?, sheesh?
well as you put it so politely...............richard head
You called me a name... I'm gonna tell my mommy. :grin:

Clive, re-read the post. NOTICE THE WINK??! Humor. Get it?

As Kim put it very politely, the announcement could have been worded a little better. I doubt they thought anybody would get so worked up over a simple little contest. The original post also didn't announce up front that only 1 diver per address could enter. Between excluding the non American/Canadian divers, plus the married divers, I'd guess about what... 1/4 of the divers on the forum can't enter? My wife can't enter, but I guess with a few months of therapy maybe she will be able to get on with her life.

The fine folks at Zeagle, Scubaboard, and the rest of the free world are not out to get you, my wife, or the international community. They are trying to get a little marketing information, and in turn reward a few people with some nice prizes. They are doing the best they can, and I appreciate them having the contest, even if my wife can't enter.

"Richard" to my friends. You can call me "Mr. Head" :14:
Bah, sure is a lot of fuss over a contest that you probably won't win anyway Clive.

Kinda funny... because on any other online site I've ever visisted, there's always a clear link to the rules for the contest... just like the entry page for this one. First line of those rules read that only US and Canadian citizens are eligible to enter. I mean heck, when you clicked the enter button, did you notice this directly above it?

"Please read carefully. By clicking the "Enter the Contest" button below, you accept and agree to abide by the Sweepstakes Rules, Terms of Service and Privacy Policy."

It's no one's fault but your own that you didn't read the rules before you entered.

Mellow out.

Hey guys...

It's our very first give away. We will probably make other mistakes on subsequent ones. I think someone once wrote that no good deed will go unpunished. :D Maybe so. Maybe so!
Hey guys...

It's our very first give away. We will probably make other mistakes on subsequent ones. I think someone once wrote that no good deed will go unpunished. :D Maybe so. Maybe so!
Netdoc, I hope I made myself clear... I have NO complaints about the contest! I'm sorry if anything I wrote came across otherwise.

I'm glad you are doing it, and thanks for everybody's efforts.

Jeff (or Richard?)
Hey guys...

It's our very first give away. We will probably make other mistakes on subsequent ones. I think someone once wrote that no good deed will go unpunished. :D Maybe so. Maybe so!

All of us from the USA and Canada are happy to have the opportunity. Except Quebec, and when I lived there, they did not like admitting they were a part of Canada.

When is the next give away? :06:
This contest will run through most of March, after that we will see about putting something else together but for now encourage your friends to enter (or don't if you don't want them to win) ;)

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