Clive, quit whiningclive francis:the legality and the outcome of the draw could be deemed void, or putting it another way, every non us or ca entrant could take legal action and would have a claim to one of the prizes as they could have won it had their names been put in as they were led to believe.
it doesn't take a barrister or lawyer to work it out

The Great Zeagle Giveaway Contest (the "Sweepstakes" or "Contest") is offered and open to legal residents of United States and its territories and Canada (except residents of Quebec)...By entering, you agree to these Official Rules."
If you entered the contest as a citizen of a country other than the US or Canada, YOU broke the rules.
Further information posted on scubaboard:
"ScubaBoard.com and Zeagle systems have teamed up to bring you an exciting and free contest this February. We will be giving away several great prizes including a brand new Stiletto BCD (grand prize), Signal Inflators, Polo Shirts and more! To participate in this contest simply register at www.scubaboard.com/matrix/contest . Entering is quick, easy and painless and best of all you have nothing to loose and a BCD to win! Both members and non-members of ScubaBoard are welcomed to come participate this in contest!
If you have questions about this contest please contact an administrator or post them here."
And finally from the same thread:
"Sorry Kim, complying with varrious laws of other countries is a problem with promotions like this, as is shipping. I will double check to see if there is any way we can work within these limitations but for now it's US/CA only."
Pretty simple to me.
I fully agree it stinks that the entire scubaboard community can not enter, but rules are rules. Being able to enter the contest would be nice, but they are giving away ONE $500 BC. It's not the end of the world. Sheesh.
Have pint and quit worring about this insignificant stuff!