the great zeagle giveaway

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:wink: Sell it to the FBI, CIA an the NWO.
PADI certified I see, me too.
The general information is used for broad demographics (what BC most people own for example) and the specific information for internal marketing if you allow it (we provide the ability for you to opt-out). Neither company will sell your name or put you on any other company's list, this is internal only and again, the choice to opt out is yours and either way you are still entered into the contest. Your contact information is also used to contact you should you win the contest and verrify your identity so we can um, give you your prize.
Tech Admin:
As I mentioned in site support there are numerous restrictions that face international contests. Right now this promotion is open to residents of the US and Canada only but we will be changing that if it seems feasible and obviously hope to have contests that include the entire world whenever possible.

so then the crap/blurb about it open to absolutely anyone who come to scubaboard is a lie/false advertising?

perhaps before you start advertising the fact that anyone can enter, you actually check who is allowed to enter and make it clear before people start entering and build up their hopes of wining a new BC!

I am sure what you have done is ilegal and those non us and canadian residents from this board that have entered the competion could claim compensation for being excluded from the draw, that would be a few BC's that someone would have to fork out for
Calm down, clive. Nowhere do I see it said "EVERY MEMBER OF SCUBABOARD IS ELIGIBLE TO WIN!" I see Tech Admin saying that the contest is open to members and non-members, and that's the closest anyone seems to get to saying that the contest is open to everyone.

Why don't you quote exactly which text you believe is "crap" and "a lie" and "false advertising"?
Calm down, clive. Nowhere do I see it said "EVERY MEMBER OF SCUBABOARD IS ELIGIBLE TO WIN!" I see Tech Admin saying that the contest is open to members and non-members, and that's the closest anyone seems to get to saying that the contest is open to everyone.

Why don't you quote exactly which text you believe is "crap" and "a lie" and "false advertising"?

no it says any member or non can win, i am a member, i have entered, if they have not included me in the draw then that is ilegal as i legally entered.

the legality and the outcome of the draw could be deemed void, or putting it another way, every non us or ca entrant could take legal action and would have a claim to one of the prizes as they could have won it had their names been put in as they were led to believe.

it doesn't take a barrister or lawyer to work it out

plus i raised this several weeks ago and they still have not changed it to warn non us or ca entrants they will not win!!

i can't see what the problem is you win, you pay the extra shipping costs to where ever, over and above the us shipping costs.

mark it as a prize for a contest and customs should leave it well alone.

what more needs to be done?
clive francis:
no it says any member or non can win
I'd like you to quote the exact wording that states this. It does not exist.

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