For example you said,"If you want to see daylight at Orange Grove you'll have to lose your buddy and search ". Suggesting separation of a buddy team to accomplish a goal?
It was a tongue in cheek way of showing that sometimes you can follow the letter of the law while violating the spirit of the law. Of course I'd never suggest anyone actually do something like this. I probably should try harder to show that I'm speaking tongue in cheek, because I can see how someone could get confused.
Then,"To keep it safe, you'll have to turn at the end of the line at Orange Grove. I call this the "Grand Traverse and Grand Reverse". Okay now we will probably enter decompression which is outside this level.
Divers would need to plan whether they would enter decompression. I think it can be done without hitting deco, but that's just me.
"I prefer to do the GTGR as a double stage, because as we all know, thirds is wildly un-conservative in a low/no flow cave, even though I could do it as a single stage and perhaps on a really good day, backgas only. " Now we are saying to do this dive,and stay safe you will need a stage,since 1/3rds is wildly unconserative. Isn't stage diving outside this level,and add the task loading of 2 stages-sounds like the P3 accident waiting to happen.
I've said several times I believe that stage diving is outside of this level and therefore the dive is not possible.
This statement is catch-22. I stay quiet about the rules I bend,which says I bend rules,but we need to present a good view of our sport.
What defines suck at diving? If I use this logic,if I don't suck at diving,then it is okay to break rules. Can I see the Suck Diving manual so we can define these people.
It's hard to define, but you know it when you see it
If you don't suck, then it might be possible to break rules while staying safe. You can't tell me that you have to have a stage diving card to be a safe stage diver. Technically, are you breaking your certification limits at the full cave level by taking a stage? But do you really need further training to do simple addition and use a few motor skills you should already possess from clipping off your SPG and 2nd stage? But, some people suck at diving and shouldn't do that.