The Ethics of Full Disclosure on ScubaBoard

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I have to agree that from what I have seen of @Wookie here, the two could not be further apart when it comes to how they treat people.

I have respect for Wookie that I gained from reading his posts and comments to others. Oh and if you can't tell, respect is a big issue for me as is being shown lack of respect. Navy through and through!

Wookie is a good guy.

Where on the spectrum of respectful behavior does making a baseless claim lie for you?

Still waiting for you to provide evidence to support your claim...........

You're opposites here as well. I've even seen you roll your eyes when the subject of DSS has come up on your boat. I think I remember what you said as well, but I'll leave that out here. You're the master and commander of your vessel, but I don't see you having the same approach to people that Tobin has.

Ah yes the veiled reference to hearsay conversation. "Well I heard so and so say such and such, but I'm too nice a guy to reveal what I heard"

Always impressive. Exactly what I'd expect from a Internet Professional like yourself....... :)

Odd that you waited to make such a claim until after Wookie just offered me support. Could it be that you feel the need to try and devalue what Wookie just posted? It this how you how you show respect to Wookie or is just a reflex?

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Wookie is a good guy.

Where on the spectrum of respectful behavior does making a baseless claim lie for you?

Still waiting for you to provide evidence to support your claim...........


Asked and answered yet like all posts you don't agree with , you choose to ignore what doesn't fit your agenda

Now because I vehemently disagree with your business practice and "customer service" you want to call my behavior into question. You may do so but I warn you, what you will find out about me won't fit your personal agenda to call my character into question.

You clearly don't need my money or the money of those here so why do you continue to bother or are you one of those who had to argue just to argue?
Ah yes the veiled reference to hearsay conversation.
It's not "hearsay" if I was in the conversation. That would be if someone told me about the conversation and I wasn't there. I was there, DSS came up, your name came up and I saw Frank roll his eyes. I am literally an eye witness here. Since I can't remember the exact quote, I'm not going to attempt to state it. Frank wasn't the only one who felt you were combative and hard to deal with. You've earned that reputation time and time again. This may not be easy for you to accept, but even Frank is actually agreeing with us on this. You're hard to deal with. I wish it were different, but it's true.

Could it be that you feel the need to try and devalue what Wookie just posted?
I wonder if @Wookie feels devalued? Have I offended the Wookster? I doubt it. I can disagree with him without having him report me on every post. He's called me on BS without me feeling the need to report him. He's a frank Frank, and I appreciate his insight and feedback.
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So back to what this thread was meant to be about...thank you for posting this to generate a discussion on what divers would like to see in terms of transparency. It was a great discussion until it wasn't and continues to show that SB cares about it's members. :D
You mention a customer's "perception" as you call it. I understand making sure the customer gets what they really need and not just what they think they need. However for you to think most divers need your unsolicited advice is ridiculous at best. If they want a longer hose, that is what they want. I will continue with this point below...

Bob stated you may be unaware of the business you are losing. I believe every business should know where they are losing sales and actively work to fill those holes or customer needs. Having said that, I think his second part of that sentence that rings true..that you just don't care. That is quite evident by me posting that I would never buy from you based on this thread and other posts I have seen.

As a businessman who not only sells but has a manufacturing background (ran an Air Force machine shop for AFRL and AFIT plus worked for a company designing and machining medical implants) and an inventory and shipping and receiving background..if I had a possible future customer saying things like this I would reach out to them and have a discussion with them in hopes of gaining a customer. However not only have you ignored my posts, which is your right to do so, you keep pressing the issue here making it seem even worse to the random eyes that may be watching this thread. BTW, there have been 136 replies to this thread and 3,943 views. You seem to have zero knowledge about how to develop a customer base, how to retain said base and how to gain a larger market share. Either that or you just just don't care and I find that deplorable and a disservice to any people you employee.

i cant see what it is your so affronted by from the posts before you first posted
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i cant see what it is your so affronted by from the posts before you first posted
I would be happy to respond. First off it wasn't just this thread that made me state I would never buy from him. As I stated in a previous reply: " I think his second part of that sentence that rings true..that you just don't care. That is quite evident by me posting that I would never buy from you based on this thread and other posts I have seen. "

So it was not just this thread that allowed me to make a decision however it was the way he handled "adversity" in this thread that rubbed me the wrong way. He came off as argumentative just for the sake of arguing and at best, hard headed when presented with items he did not agree with. That compiled with the way he has handled himself in other threads is shocking to me. After all, he is on a public forum representing his brand. Maybe it is just me but I personally would handle things with much more tact and professionalism.
I would be happy to respond. First off it wasn't just this thread that made me state I would never buy from him. As I stated in a previous reply: " I think his second part of that sentence that rings true..that you just don't care. That is quite evident by me posting that I would never buy from you based on this thread and other posts I have seen. "

So it was not just this thread that allowed me to make a decision however it was the way he handled "adversity" in this thread that rubbed me the wrong way. He came off as argumentative just for the sake of arguing and at best, hard headed when presented with items he did not agree with. That compiled with the way he has handled himself in other threads is shocking to me. After all, he is on a public forum representing his brand. Maybe it is just me but I personally would handle things with much more tact and professionalism.

Still haven't responded with any evidence to support your claim that I somehow wish to impose my unsolicited advice on most divers.

It's become obvious to others too.

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