What's really funny is the number of people I know who've been on the receiving end from both groups ...
... to some people, if you wear a backplate you must be "DIR", and therefore you are worthy of scorn ...
... to other people, you can't be DIR because your harness has bent D-rings, and therefore you are worthy of scorn ...
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right ... sometimes it reminds me of all banter that goes on in The Pub ... I think we all just need to go diving ...
... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Haha yea I've been made fun of by both groups... Been scorned for being 'DIR' because I have a BP/W and hog-looped long hose and the other time made fun of a DIR wannabe because of my neoprene drysuit and ankle weights

So anyway, my conclusion is that there are eejits in all walks of diving